Sinful As Hell (The Demon Academy #1) - G. Bailey Page 0,12

I never thought they were . . . but they ran away with no answer. They resisted arrest when found, and they hid you from your own people. You are a demon with no knowledge of your heritage or your own world. I never thought any parents could be that cruel to their child,” he remarks. “I feel sorrow for you.”

“My upbringing wasn’t cruel. I love my parents,” I practically growl at him.

“It was cruel to hide who you are from you. You are painfully unaware of your world, and I hope it does not cost you your life,” he remarks, and I struggle not to argue with him because honestly, he is right. Dammit.

“I always knew there was something bad about you. You always like to starve me, it’s no surprise to me that you are a demon,” Amethyst declares, and I roll my eyes at her. She can be such a crazy cat at times, but the humour helps me relax a little tiny bit.

I’m not evil; I’m not a monster. A memory flickers into my mind for just a second . . . A time when a stranger told me I was a monster. I was young, and Dad soon took me away from the house we had come too. Mum stayed in the car, tears falling down her cheeks as I held her hand as Dad drove us away. I remember him telling her that everyone was wrong about me.

That I wasn’t a monster . . . but what if everyone was right and my parents were just trying to protect me? They are demons too, but I never saw anything demonic or unusual. The only unusual thing in our life was my talking cat . . . and they couldn’t hear her.

It seems no one but me can.

“Now, your wolf slave has been assigned ahead of your arrival and should be getting your room ready. You will find your schedule in there, and if you skip a class, the punishment is not nice. Do attend all classes and see the infirmity if you are too ill to go,” he explains to me.

“I don’t get sick. Ever,” I mutter.

“Your demon can protect you from everything,” he replies. “A lack of illness is a good suggestion your demon likes you.”

“Wait, did you say wolf slave? What the hell is that?” I suddenly remember what he said, snapping out of my own thoughts.

“I forget how little you know. Fine, one more explanation because this is tiresome and I have things to do. As well as demons and angels, there are creatures called wolf shifters. They look as human as we do, but they are anything but. The wolf shifters owe a debt to our King of Hell, Lucifer. In payment of the debt, any bastard-born wolf is given to the demon families as slaves at the age of seventeen,” he explains. “The wolves do not want war, and this agreement has worked for everyone for many years. They don’t need the bastards either way. They are born in sin, and therefore belong to us.”

“Wolf shifters are real? You are giving me a slave? Are you insane? I don’t want a slave!” I say,and shake my head. “No way in hell is that happening. I don’t care what crazy agreement you all have.”

“You need a slave to replace your mother. Who else is going to pick up your clothes and clean the mess you make? I’m a cat, I can’t do it,” Amethyst adds in.

“Like you would anyway, lazy mare,” I whisper to her.

“Pardon?” Mr. Bisgaard says, just as the door opens and Mr. Morganach walks in. “Don’t bother knocking as per usual, Mr. Morganach.”

“You asked me to come here; what do you want?” he sharply asks.

“As you are so far behind, Miss Cameron, Mr. Morganach will give you extra lessons to help your transition. Especially in the art of self-defence so that you stand a chance.”

“Yeah, no,” he smoothly replies, so quickly that the last one of Mr Bisgaard’s sentence barely left his lips before he was answered. “She will be killed—or worse—in less than a few weeks. I prefer to drop her off the side of the cliff, save us all—"

“Mr. Morganach, do remember you are a teacher here, and you swore to obey me. If you want to go right back to—"

“Fine,” he snaps, the fury in his voice directed straight at me. He walks to the door, pulling it open hard enough that the door Copyright 2016 - 2024