Sin of Silence (Sinner's Empire #1) - Nikita Slater Page 0,71

and hid a grin in the pillow next to her. It felt fucking amazing! She hadn’t let free and allowed herself to enjoy the sheer bliss of a good fuck in so long she was starting to wonder if she’d ever really had a good fuck. She’d only ever hooked up with doctors or one-night stands from the bar. She could definitely say nothing had compared to this.

All she could do is hang on as he pounded into her, his hands wrapped around her hips, holding her in place as he took his pleasure from her body while giving her just as much in return. Shaun flew higher and higher toward the shining peak. This sensation was different though; she’d never come through vaginal penetration. Hell, she’d been pretty sure it was a myth.

As it turned out, not a myth. With each thrust he sent her soaring, tilting her hips at just the right angle so that he was hitting her g-spot again. Shaun let out a high-pitched cry as he shoved her right over the edge of another incredible orgasm. Her brain went fuzzy and blank while her hips pumped of their own volition, milking him of every ounce of pleasure he had to give.

Jozef gripped her so hard Shaun had a brief second to wonder if he might actually be able to crush her hips before he let out another guttural growl and followed her over the edge. She felt hot jets touch everything inside her, bathing her with his semen. She gloried in the feeling, stretching her arms wide and grinning.

Jozef gripped her face, forcing her to look at him. His expression was serious, but his eyes were soft. He dropped his forehead to hers and stared at her, allowing her to see the shifting emotions. Her heart pounded and she suddenly felt vulnerable, like they’d just had a life changing moment together. But it was only sex. It wasn’t that important. Something they’d both done before with other people.

A sensation ran through Shaun as she thought about Jozef with other women. With Giselle, who clearly thought she had some kind of claim on him. The feeling of vulnerability intensified until Shaun thought she would suffocate if she was forced to lay underneath Jozef for another second.

She shoved his shoulders and said in a high thin voice, “I need to get up.”

When he didn’t react quickly enough, she slapped her palm against his bare shoulder and said in a louder voice, “Jozef, let me up!”

He frowned at her and a shutter dropped over his expression. He rolled to the side, releasing his grip. Shaun scrambled off the bed and stood shaking next to it, her arms wrapped around herself. She must have looked truly stricken because he frowned in concern and sat up, reaching for her. Shaun jumped away and shook her head. “I just need a minute, okay?”

He studied her for a second, then nodded. Shaun ran for the bathroom, slamming it shut and leaning against it. She didn’t bother locking it. She’d locked it before and Jozef had let himself in without even alerting her. She covered her face with her hands and tried to get a grip on herself. She felt like she was in shock. Her heart was racing, she was shaking, tears were pricking her eyes.

Did she regret what they’d just done? She thought long and hard about it and decided she did not regret having sex with Jozef. It was easily the most pleasurable moment of her life and she was going to treasure it as a perfect memory.

Then why was she so fucked up over it? She pushed away from the door and paced the bathroom.

“Oh god,” she moaned as semen and vaginal fluids dripped down her thighs.

She grabbed a towel and pressed it against herself, trying to wipe away the evidence. Then it hit her. They’d fucked without a condom. Shaun never had sex without protection. EVER. This moment was unprecedented in so many ways. What if Jozef had an STI? Shaun certainly didn’t, but he didn’t know that. They’d been reckless.

Then there was that possibility of a baby. Shaun wasn’t on birth control because she’d been too busy with her job in Ukraine to re-administer her Depo-Provera shot. She hadn’t worried though, because she hadn’t intended on hooking up with anyone. She was too busy for even a casual fling.

Apparently, she wasn’t too busy to fuck her captor.

“Oh god,” she said again.

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