Sin of Silence (Sinner's Empire #1) - Nikita Slater Page 0,31

must be vigilant.”

“You think he will try again?” Dasha asked skeptically.

Krystoff shrugged. “As I’ve said, we don’t know what he will do.”

“Why don’t you just kill him?” Dasha asked, as though murder was as simple as breathing. His bloodthirsty wife was used to having an entire hit squad at her fingertips.

“You know it’s not as easy as that,” Krystoff chided. “Vasiliy has established himself deep in Europe’s underground. He cozies up to those who can further his business aspirations. Your own father had alliances with the man, including a marriage to your half-sister. He may be inept but he’s not completely stupid. He has somehow managed to involve himself in as many aspects of Koba business as he can. I suspect it is because he hasn’t managed to successfully insinuate himself directly into our lives, where he would have the might of the Kobas at his back, despite marrying your sister.”

“She is no sister of mine,” Dasha hissed in annoyance.

Krystoff suppressed a smile. Over thirty years had passed, but Dasha was still bitter toward her younger half-sister. The girl had thrown herself at a drunk Krystoff after a night of celebration with his friends. She’d tried to seduce him and convince him to marry her instead of Dasha.

Krystoff hadn’t wanted anything to do with a single member of the family. There was no honour among her birth family. They would do business with a man one day and shoot him in the back the next. The only reason Krystoff had agreed to marriage with the elder daughter was because his father had an unpaid blood debt to the family.

Eventually, after a decade of vicious fighting, Dasha and Krystoff had discovered an unexpected love. It helped that she hated her family as much as he did. When Vasiliy married into the family circle, Krystoff had cut ties with both Vasiliy and Dasha’s family, much to Vasiliy’s chagrin.

Dasha rolled her eyes. “This whole thing is ridiculous. Vasiliy has been a thorn in our side for years. It’s time to be done with him.”

Krystoff yanked on Dasha’s arm, dragging her off her feet and tumbling her onto the bed next to him. He rolled onto his side, looking down at her and sliding his hand into the front of her robe, seeking the smooth skin beneath. She smiled up at him, her shoulders relaxing into the bed. She reached up to touch his face, smoothing her fingers over his brow, then his mustache and beard.

“I will remove Vasiliy when it’s time, but for now he must remain alive.” Krystoff’s voice held a note of finality. “Now, tell me what you think of our nephew’s soon-to-be bride.”

Dasha’s eyes lit up with the special light she got only when there was a wedding on the horizon. One that she got to plan. “I think she’s perfect,” Dasha announced excitedly, rolling against her husband and speaking animatedly, her nose inches from his. “She’s beautiful, but serious and smart. Jozef has never brought a woman home before. She must really be something special. She’ll look absolutely stunning in the dress I’m envisioning for her.”

Krystoff frowned. He hadn’t considered that Jozef might actually have feelings for the doctor. They’d only met two days ago; they couldn’t possibly have formed a bond. Then again, Shaun had gone through a traumatic event with Jozef at her side, possibly igniting his protective instincts. The ones usually reserved for his family.

Jozef had earned the nickname divoký pes, feral dog, because he was so viciously protective of his family. He hired other men who were nearly as rabid to serve as the first line of defense between the Kobas and the rest of the world. Jozef’s loyalty was not something Krystoff would ever question.

Yet, there was something about the way Jozef looked at the doctor. Something that went deeper than simple lust or curiosity.

When Jozef had announced his intentions to marry Shaun, Krystoff had decided to allow him the fantasy until he lost interest and she could be quietly removed. Now, he was less certain this would happen, which concerned him. The Kobas married within their own circles. They didn’t choose outsiders, people who wouldn’t understand their way of life.

“Don’t get too attached to the girl,” Krystoff said quietly.

Dasha pushed herself up on one elbow, her dark hair swirling around her shoulders. She propped her chin up on her hand. “Whyever not?”

Krystoff didn’t answer, but he didn’t need to. Dasha would know what her husband was thinking.

She smiled at him. “Nonsense, she’ll fit Copyright 2016 - 2024