Sin of Silence (Sinner's Empire #1) - Nikita Slater Page 0,102

was an instant blankness to his expression that told her he was shutting down their moment and she couldn’t stand it. She took the final step between them, leaving only a tiny space so she could sign to him. Please don’t be angry. I had to. It was killing her thinking I was dead. When he didn’t move, she added, think how your aunt would feel if she thought you were dead.

When he didn’t respond, but still stared at her with his icy gaze, despair started to sink in. She’d been stupid tell him about the phone call. Of course he was going to be angry; she’d done something he'd expressively forbidden. Still, she hadn’t had a choice and if he couldn’t see that, then that was his problem.

Shaun tried to step away from him, but he grabbed her arms and held her still. She stared up at him. Slowly he released her as though waiting to see if she would bolt. When she didn’t, he began signing. Your conversation has upset you. Tell me.

He brushed his fingers down her cheek again.

Shaun gave herself a brief moment to savour his gentle touch, closing her eyes and leaning into him, allowing his wildly masculine scent combined with a subtle and expensive aftershave to wash over her. She nodded her head and he cupped her cheek. Then he dropped his hand and took hers in a strong grip. He pulled her toward the couch, indicating she should sit with him.

They sat facing each other, Shaun’s legs tucked cross-legged beneath her. He watched her steadily, giving her the chance to tell him about the conversation.

Shaun began signing. It was bittersweet to hear her voice. I always miss her when I’m travelling but I’ve never felt this way before. As though I might not see her again. Our conversation had a desperation to it, like we were both saying goodbye in case it was the last time we talked. Tears began spilling from her lashes, but she kept signing, knowing her emotions were causing her to mix up the words, but not caring. Jozef would understand what she was trying to say. I can’t stand the thought that I might never see her again. She’s the most amazing woman and mom, and after my father passed, we leaned on each other. Now I need her more than ever and I can’t have her. It hurts so much.

When she stopped signing, Jozef gave her a moment to compose herself. She used the edge of her sleeve to wipe the wetness from her cheeks. A hiccoughing sob jumped from her throat and out of her mouth. She covered it with her hand, while Jozef watched her with a warm glow in his eyes.

When he'd made sure she was calm enough to watch, he spoke. I remember the sound of my mother’s voice. It’s the only thing I remember about her. His gaze was steady on hers and she understood that he was telling her something he’d probably never told anyone before. I can’t remember her face, or what her touch felt like, but I remember the sound of her voice. Not the words, just the sound. I think she used to like singing to me.

Tears leapt to Shaun’s eyes, but this time for a different reason. Jozef could understand her pain because he’d been separated from his mother too. It was strange, having a moment of shared pain like this with her captor. He was the cause of her pain, yet he was also the one making her feel better. He wasn’t making false promises either, telling her she would see her mother one day. She respected him more for not lying to her.

Fatima’s words about Stockholm floated through her brain but she shoved the thought aside. Even if she had Stockholm, she was helpless. She was navigating a new world with a new set of rules. Her old ones didn’t apply. If Stockholm helped get her through this nightmare, then so be it.

Yet, as she looked at Jozef, she began to realize that she wasn’t living in a nightmare. Not really. Sure, it was terrifying to be constantly surrounded by armed men, with the knowledge that one false move could get her killed, but she couldn’t exactly call her situation a nightmare. She was being waited on hand and foot, given anything her heart desired as long as it didn’t relate to her being set free. Although, none of those things really mattered to her, Copyright 2016 - 2024