Silver Saints MC Volume 1 - Fiona Davenport Page 0,57

I got Scout’s attention and held up my phone. He nodded. “I’ll let her know.”

I dialed the number Huntley had given me for emergencies only.

“What the fuck, Nash? What happened to twenty minutes?”

“Calm the hell down,” I snapped. “I wasn’t gonna call you while I was riding, and I needed to get back to my woman.”

Huntley sighed. “I assume you took care of things on your end?”

I grunted in response.

“Now, are you going to tell me who the hell you are?”

“Lincoln Nash. Thirty-eight. One daughter. No ex. Silver Saints treasurer. But all you really need to know is that I’m the man whose world revolves around Harlowe. Doesn’t matter who I was before her. What matters is that I will spend every day of the rest of my life making sure she is safe and happy.”

It was silent for so long that I almost checked to see if I’d dropped the call. But then he spoke. “Okay.”

“Okay?” I echoed in confusion.

“Yeah. I need to talk to my sister and make sure she’s on the same page, but as long as you treat her like she deserves, then...okay.”

“She’s gonna be busy tonight, but I’ll have her call you tomorrow. Morn—night...probably.”

Huntley started to yell something, probably pissed off at my clear insinuation that I was about to fuck his sister for twenty-four hours straight. I hung up and hurried into the house to get my girl.



I felt as though I was hanging on a razor’s edge when Mac and Scout came to the basement to grab Bridget, Molly, and Cat, but there was no sign of Link. After giving his woman a tight hug and deep kiss, Scout turned to me. “Wipe that scared look of your face, pinkie. Link shouldn’t be too far behind me. He had to make a quick call to fill your brother in on what happened. I’m sure it won’t take long since he wants to be with you a fuck of a lot more than he wants to talk to Huntley.”

My legs almost went out from under me at the confirmation that Link was okay. He hadn’t been gone long, but I’d spent most of the time picturing all the things that could go wrong. My reaction to Link being in danger had driven home exactly how much he had come to mean to me. There was no doubt about it; I’d fallen hard and fast for my sexy biker. Needing some privacy to pull myself together, I flashed a quick smile at everyone and said, “I’m going to head up to Link’s room. Let him know where to find me when he’s done being interrogated by my brother?”

Scout chuckled and nodded. “Will do.”

My brother must not have been as hard on him as I expected because I only made it to the top of the stairs and through the door before Link swept me off my feet and tossed me over his shoulder. “Where do you think you’re off to, angel?”

He swatted at my butt, and I gasped out my answer. “Your room.”

“Our room,” he corrected, rubbing his palm over the spot where the sting from his swat was easing.

He couldn’t see my grin, but that didn’t mean my smile was any less blinding. I loved how there was no game playing with Link. I was his, and he wanted everyone—including me—to know it. “How about we go to our room?”

“Good call,” he agreed, moving quickly in that direction without bothering to set me on my feet. When we made it through the door, he kicked it shut before tossing me on the mattress. After taking off his boots, he followed me down and captured my lips in a deep kiss. Our tongues tangled until I was breathless and trembling in need. Before we both lost the ability to think about anything other than sex, I pushed at his chest. “What’s wrong, angel?”

“You skipped a step.”

His head jerked back, and his brow wrinkled in confusion. “I haven’t gotten far enough to skip any steps, not that I ever would. It’d be a damn shame to miss an inch of your perfect body when I have you under me.”

I shivered at the desire shining in his blue eyes, but I shoved my need for him down because I needed some information first. “I’m assuming everything went okay since you guys all came back in one piece?”

“Yeah, we ran down the guy who accepted the contract on you. Figured since you weren’t there to do it yourself, Copyright 2016 - 2024