Silver Saints MC Volume 1 - Fiona Davenport Page 0,34

a loop. “You know, all that gruffness does is make you sexier.”

I barely managed to keep my jaw from dropping. Her attitude should have made me furious, but I was too busy concentrating on not dragging her into my arms and kissing the fuck out of her.

Cat burst out laughing and threw her arm around Harlowe, then gestured to me. “Harlowe, this is Lincoln Nash, you can call him Link. Scout had to go on a run, so Link will be your shadow while you’re here.” Harlowe raised her hand and wiggled her fingers in a little wave. “I’ll have one of the guys put the Charger in an empty bay.”

My eyebrows raised, and I glanced at the blue sports car before looking back at Harlowe. “That’s your car?”

Cat beamed at Harlowe with pride and answered for her. “Yup. She and her dad restored it.”

Ah, that explained it. It was sentimental. Her dad had fixed it up, probably had her handing him wrenches or something. Harlowe thanked Cat, then her eyes caught on something over my shoulder and she smiled brightly. I tried not to be a jackass and demand that she only smile at me.

“Is this the kid you were expecting, Link?” Rider asked as he ambled up next to me. I didn’t miss his teasing tone and made a mental reminder to kick his ass later.

My eyes were still glued on Harlowe, and they narrowed when she leaned toward Cat and stage-whispered, “Is being hot a requirement to join this MC?”

A growl rumbled in my throat, and I bent to grab Harlowe's bag from the ground, then snatched her hand and started dragging her toward the clubhouse. Even though I had no intention of claiming Harlowe, I still felt like a fucking caveman. The thought caused me to slow my pace and glance back to make sure I wasn't going too fast.

Harlowe looked surprised, but she didn’t argue or try to disengage our hands. My skin was burning where we touched, and the heat was slowly spreading throughout my body. Once we reached the door, I dropped her hand and urged her to step in first so I could guide her without touching her.

“Stay away from the prospects and other patches,” I found myself telling her as I took her a roundabout way to the living quarters in order to avoid the main area in the lodge. “You need something, you come to me or Cat. Understood?”

Harlowe glanced back at me with curious eyes but nodded silently. Satisfied, I pointed at a few rooms as we passed them. “That’s my office. If I’m not in the garage or on a ride, I’m usually in there. Kitchen is through that door. You aren’t required to work around here, but I’m sure Cat would love your help, and it would give you something to do.”

We reached the stairs to the second floor, and I gestured for her to head up. “I’ll show you to your room, then I’ve got shit to do.”

I steered her to the left when we reached the landing, and we were a couple of feet from her door when I heard one of my brothers call out a greeting. Bear lifted his chin at me, but his eyes were admiring Harlowe’s curves. I punched his shoulder and growled, “Eyes to yourself, asshole.” Bear’s brow shot up, and he looked like he was going to say something, but the look on my face shut him up, and he quickly passed us with a silent nod.

Harlowe’s assigned room was across the hall from Bear’s, and as I looked around, I realized all the other rooms were occupied by single men. Without overthinking it, I put my hand on Harlowe’s lower back and turned us both around to guide her to the other side of the house.

I stopped outside a different room and fished a key out of my pocket, then unlocked the door and gave Harlowe a nudge to enter. I had no fucking clue what had possessed me to put her in my room. I just knew I wouldn’t be able to breathe until she was away from all those young, horny fuckers.

“You can stay here,” I grunted as I tossed her bag onto the unmade bed. The space was fairly tidy, but I still found myself quickly gathering up my dirty laundry and tossing it in the basket by the closet. I knew I should change the sheets on the bed, but if I couldn't be Copyright 2016 - 2024