Silver Creek - G.L. Snodgrass Page 0,62

her chair and shot Rebecca a look that would have melted pig iron. Why? Was it because she blamed Luke for all of this and therefore his girlfriend? Surely, she wasn’t so stupid. But then, maybe she was.

The judge banged his gavel to get the crowd under control. Stated that he was ready to pronounce sentence. He looked at Mark Felton for a long moment then said, “Three years, penitentiary.” He then looked out over the crowd, found Chester Polk, and said, “Prepare the stage, I want to leave within ten minutes.”

And with that, he banged his gavel one last time.

Rebecca noticed that both Sheriff Reed and the miner nodded to each other, obviously pleased with the result.

The Feltons left first, pushing their way through the crowd to be the first to exit the church. They don’t want to be gawked at, Rebecca realized. Twisting around, she saw Jake leading the prisoner out the back of the church.

Rebecca took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Turning she watched Scarlet step outside. She excused herself from Helen and hurried after the woman.

“Hello Scarlet,” she said as she approached.

The woman’s eyes grew very big as she looked around to see if anyone heard, obviously not wanting Rebecca to be ostracized for talking to her.

“That was very brave of you,” Rebecca said, “testifying like that. The Feltons will not be pleased.”

Scarlet shrugged then gave her a secret smile. “I won’t be here long enough to care. Bill Carver and I are getting married. We are moving to the Ruby Mountains.”

“Congratulations,” Rebecca said, dying of curiosity wondering how such a match had come about.

Scarlet smiled as her cheeks grew pink. “Bill and I would be pleased if you and Luke could attend the wedding. It won’t be many,” she added with a laugh.

“Of course, we would love to,” Rebecca replied, surprised at the invitation.

Scarlet saw the confusion in her eyes and leaned forward. “It was your Luke that done it. He told me I could get out if I tried. Even offered to help. I got to tell you. It was the first time I ever knew anyone who believed in me. Then, before I can even think it through. He sent Bill Carver after me.”

Rebecca’s eyes opened wide. He hadn’t told her any of this. What more secrets was the man carrying?

“Speaking of the devil,” Scarlet said as she nodded over Rebecca’s shoulder.

Rebecca twisted to see Bill Carver and Luke walking towards them. Her heart melted as it did every time she saw him. Without thinking she reached out to touch his arm. He smiled down at her then nodded across the street.

Chester Polk whistled loudly as Slim Winters flicked the reigns to get his team going. The stage rocked back then was off. Judge Simmons leaned out the window and waved.

“I can’t believe how fast that was,” Rebecca said as she shook her head. “It was as if they couldn’t get out of here fast enough.”

Bill Carver laughed. “I imagine they got experience with upset kith and kin of men they just sentenced to prison or the hangman’s noose. I’d be moving on if’n I was them. Can’t say that I blame them.”

“Now all we got to do is get him to the penitentiary,” Luke said as he shook his head. “It means I’ll be gone a good week,” he told Rebecca. “Jake will stay behind and keep an eye on things.”

Her heart fell at the thought of losing him for a week. He would be alone with a desperate outlaw and a family out there that wanted him dead.

She was just about to start arguing with him about it when a distant voice called out, “Parker!”

A cold shiver ran down her spine as she turned to see Dawson, Sarah Felton’s gunman, a hundred yards down the street, his feet set wide, waiting for Luke to respond.

“No,” Rebecca cried as she grabbed Luke’s arm, desperate to stop him.

“Keep her out of this,” Luke said to Bill as he pried her fingers from around his arm and started down the street.

No, No, this was wrong, was all she could think. Once again, her man was walking into danger. And this time he hadn’t said I love you before he left her there all alone. No. Please God, she begged. Please help him.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Luke’s gut tightened into a hard stone as he started up the street. He’d been expecting this, but not this quickly and not this public. Obviously, Joshua Felton wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024