Silent Cravings - Jess Haines Page 0,59

couple hikers having a cow over finding a full-grown Siberian tiger on the trail. Freddy was huge.

She texted him back.

So cool! Plz bring artifacts, wanna see up close. U so bad 4 scarin hikers!!! Watch out, u get tranq & sent to Russia. Will ask R or M abt W/Hats. Stay strong.

Analie curled up in her den-bed. She had school tomorrow and she wasn’t going to let her anger at Ashi keep her up.

* * *

Mouse was inordinately pleased that Ashi didn’t appear to be as afraid of her as he’d been of John. She smiled sunnily at him for a moment before reaching for the ever-present pad and pen. She scrawled a few words, then paused. She looked at him thoughtfully, frowned over the words and crossed them off, starting over.

You should think about getting a

Can I get you anything? Tea? Water? Food?

Never mind that he’d probably lost his appetite after what had happened, she was intent on being a good hostess and doing what she could to set him at ease. Unlikely she would succeed, but that wouldn’t stop her from trying.

Ashi shook his head at the offer. “No. Thanks.” He doubted he could keep anything down. He was trying not to dry-heave at the thought of being bitten again.

She grimaced and gestured at Christoph, then wrote a few more words on the pad.

I don’t know what to do for him. Should I get him something?

Ashi read the next note and looked at Christoph. “Most likely a straightjacket and a heavy, blunt object. Once he gets past his amiable, crazy stage he’s going to get violent.” He tugged at his own collar. “Not that it’ll matter now.”

Mouse gave him a funny look, which quickly shifted to concern over Christoph. She very much wanted to say something, and was frustrated she couldn’t. Once again, she hastily scribbled on the pad.

You should drink something to replace lost fluids. Jessica can give you vitamins tomorrow. For now, tea would be better to keep you warm and soothe your nerves. You’re still shaking. If you’re like that when Sebastian arrives, it will make him more interested in you, not less. Your fear will only tempt him more.

Also, if Christov (sp?) is going to have a psychotic break, he’s more likely to hurt himself than someone else. Can you help keep him calm?

Ashi shook his head. “Christoph is with me because he’s trying to climb ranks, not because he wants to be my friend. He was useful to me and I was useful to him and that is that.” He smirked and some of his old self came back to him. “If you want someone to calm him down, have Analie stay with him. The little brat has been carrying the torch for him for years. She’d love to hang around and she’s the closest thing he has to a friend right now.”

Mouse made a very soft, very threatening hissing sound between her teeth. The words on the pad were scratched out rapidly, and much more terse than before, but still clear enough to read.

I’d watch my mouth if I were you.

She found she no longer had any desire to play the helpful host. It was good Sebastian would be along as soon as he was done moving things around to collect Ashi. If the Were called Analie something harsh again, she might be tempted to hurt him, too.

Disgusted and angry, she stalked back to the kitchen, rather savagely going through the motions of preparing tea. She’d have some for herself and Christoph, and make a cup for Analie, but Ashi could go without.

He really was a jerk.

* * *

Sebastian showed up a few minutes later. His shoulder-length brown hair was tied back, showcasing sharp cheekbones and a tan that hadn’t faded in death. He was rather handsome and muscular, but had the body of a teenager, still coming into maturity. It was at odds with the jaded look in those seawater green eyes as he took in the two Weres, calling out a greeting to Mouse.

“Hey, we’re done moving the crap upstairs. You ready for me to get these two out of your hair?”

Mouse set the kettle down once the last cup was poured, the heavenly scent of lemon and honey filtering into the air. Her hands moved in a fluid message, imparting something to Sebastian that had him nodding, his gaze flicking back to the pair on the couch now and again as a frown started forming on his thin lips.

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