Silent Cravings - Jess Haines Page 0,153

of the ones that got away for Goliath. A lot of Goliaths would think twice before tangling with Reece if he was a Were. Analie was impressed.

“Uh, hi!” She really needed to get out of the habit of saying “uh”. It was a little difficult when so many unexpected things happened and made her train of thought derail violently into a crowd of mental bystanders, one of them being Mr. Speech.

She gave her explanation for the visit, much as she had with Angus, but smoother this time.

Reece, like the others, was nonplussed but interested in tagging along as she went through the meet-and-greet with the rest of the vampires on the floor.

Scott and Albert had already left for work. Nobody seemed too put out by this.

John was on his way out the door, snarled something that made Angus smack him upside the head, and scurried away. His boyish good looks weren’t very charming with that attitude.

It took every last shred of Analie’s willpower not to gasp in horror and dive for cover. The idea of anyone other than the alpha smacking the deputy was something she didn’t dare even think about. And when John hurried off instead of retaliating by spraying Angus’s blood across the walls, Analie’s opinion of the surly deputy dropped to some point below Ashi’s level.

Weak deputies never lasted very long.

Wesley, however, didn’t seem to mind their dropping in for the impromptu meeting. Like Ken, he was blond, pale, tall, and slender. However, he had a more muscular frame and a scruffy goatee, and his clothing would never win him any favors with the effeminate vampires down the hall. He favored jeans and T-shirts, much like Christoph, and had Reece clucking his tongue over his outfit in no time. Wes paid him little mind.

The vampires were quite content to socialize with each other. Clarisse was brassy enough to ask Mouse if Christoph had given in yet, which started off a whole line of chatter Analie didn’t want to hear about at all.

Though the topic at hand turned her cheeks and ears an endearing shade of pink, she stayed. It was almost like being at a pack gathering. She had never been more at ease here than at this moment, hanging out with her temporary New York pack.

“Ye need tae just bite the lad and get it over with,” Angus said, irritated.

“No she don’t, ye ruddy ox. She’ll scare ‘im off.” Clarisse shot back.

“So what? Ye wait too long, and he’ll be thinkin’ he does nae ever need tae do it.”

“I don’t understand what the problem is,” added Wesley. “He’s been here over a month already.”

Reece agreed. “It’s not like you’re acting like John. He’s just being a coward about it at this point.”

Mouse signed something that had all four of the other vampires—Angus, Clarisse, Wes and Reece—rolling their eyes.

Clarisse frowned. “I’m going to have to up the ante.”

“Ugh, not again,” Reece said.

Clarisse’s expression turned rather sly as she put her attention on Analie. “What do ye think, Ana, love? What would it take tae get the boy tae loosen up?”

As much as Analie liked this strange little group, the one thing she never wanted to think about was her or her packmates getting bitten. She’d entered in on the bet, sure, but it was more “laugh lest we cry” than agreement with it.

She was very glad she was pink and flat-faced right now. If she’d still had her Were qualities, she would have been bristling.

“Aw, man. I don’t know, guys. He’ll never volunteer himself.” She frowned as if in thought, but was actually trying very hard to suppress a massive shudder. “Mouse, I think you should just ask. This might sound weird, but start with ‘I beseech you, a favor if you will.’”

Everyone was giving her a funny look.

“It’s the formal way to ask for something in Goliath. If the Were likes you, they won’t refuse if you preface your request with that statement. It’s an honor and a pleasure to aid a friend.”

If Christoph found out she’d told Mouse that, she was going to be mauled.

Mouse was not terribly happy to be part of this conversation. She’d edged her way to the back of the group, and made a face when everyone turned to look at her. She made an irritated gesture when Clarisse folded her arms.

“It’s not dumb,” Reece said, seeming appalled at her response. “It’s just… different than you’re used to.”

Clarisse didn’t seem impressed either. “Mouse, are ye ever going tae ask the lad?”

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