On the Sideline (BSU Football #3) - J.B. Salsbury Page 0,23

middle name?”

What is up with the inquisition? I look around for anything that might spark a response and blurt the first thing that comes to mind, “Rose…enberg.”

He grins, slow and too sexy to be legal. “His birthday?”

“February seventh,” I say the first date I can think of.

“Today? His birthday is today. What did you get him? Why aren’t you with him now?” When I don’t answer, he looks down at his feet smiling. “You don’t have a boyfriend, Bex, do you.”

What’s the point in lying? I’d hoped saying I had a boyfriend might protect me from whatever this is. His potency, attention, God, just sitting next to him is overwhelming and every one of my nerves is on overload. I sigh and shake my head. “No.”

He leans forward to look at me. “Why lie? Are you not interested in exploring whatever this is between us?”

I am, I am, don’t listen to me! I want to touch you and kiss you, and yes to all the exploring! “I don’t know how to be with someone like you.”

“A jock.”

I move to rub my eyes only to jam my fingers into the lenses of my glasses. As if the fates are confirming my point. I pull my glasses off and rub my eyes with my thumb and forefinger. “You’re a cotralas atrox.”

He frowns. “You lost me.”

“We’re not even the same genus. We’re at opposite sides of the food chain.” When he still doesn’t get it I say the words he needs to hear. “Guys like you don’t fall for girls like me.”

He sits up and turns more fully to me. “Says who?”


“Fuck society. I think you’re gorgeous, Bex. Your presence charges the air in a room so that I can feel you before I even see you. What is that?”

I pluck the front of my shirt and bring it to my nose. “Tide Clean Breeze?”

“No, Brat.” He holds his hand above my thigh and I’m riveted watching his massive fingers hover until he clears his throat and I realize he’s waiting for my consent. I nod and he lowers his hand to my bare thigh, his long, thick fingers squeeze and send a jolt of electricity straight up my leg and into my panties. “It’s you.” His warm hand making direct contact with my skin short circuits my brain, and I fall into a fantasy where we could be together.

“I lied earlier.”

He shifts closer until my shoulder meets his pec. “About?” Our eyes lock and he holds my gaze with all the sincerity I feel from his words.

“I do feel it.”

“I know.” Another shift and he’s even closer. He dips his head and breathes against my lips. “Can I kiss you?”

“Oh wow.” I lean back and glare at his mouth. “How much garlic was in that pasta?”

He chuckles and squeezes my leg again sending another jolt of pleasure straight up. “A lot.” He puts a little space between our faces and covers his mouth loosely with his free hand. “I had to make it her idea to leave or I’d feel like a dick.”

“What were you planning to do before I tipped you off with the garlic and the sweating?”

“Burp, make her watch football and ask her to bring me beers, scratch my balls a lot, and if she still wasn’t turned off I’d complain about a rash—”

I burst out laughing.

“I like your smile.”

My face ignites and I dip my chin to hide it. “Thank you.”

“I’ll wait until the garlic is out of my system and then I’m coming back for that kiss.” He moves to scoot away from me, and I lock my muscles to keep from lunging after him.

“You can’t be serious. You’re dating my cousin.”

“We’re not dating.”

“You made out with her, multiple times.”

He recoils, but doesn’t deny it.

“And you’re her date for the Valentine’s Day formal.”

He props his elbows on his knees and holds his head, running his fingers through his hair. “Fuck, that’s right.”

What are we even doing? Even if Riley wasn’t an obstacle there’s no way Loren and I could date. I mean, maybe we’d hook up, but eventually he’d get tired of the crap he’d get from his friends for hanging out with someone like me, and I can guarantee I’d be put in front of the Eta Pi firing squad for violating rule number seven of our code of sisterly conduct—never date a sister’s ex.

“I’ll tell her I can’t go.” He’s looking at me now as if his solution is just that easy.

“You can’t do that.

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