Show Time (Juniper Ridge Romantic Comedies #1) - Tawna Fenske Page 0,64

a wink. “God knows it’s going to be tough enough finding privacy in a place like this.”

Isn’t that the truth. When I signed on for this job, I never in a million years thought that would be an issue. How was I supposed to know I’d end up banging the CEO?

“I’m so embarrassed.” I pick an edge off a muffin and glance behind me to make sure Dean’s not early. No sign of him, though I’m just now noticing Mari in the corner. I throw her a friendly wave, but she’s got her face buried in her laptop and doesn’t see me.

I turn back to face Colleen and Patti. “Thank you for being discreet.”

“Not a problem.” Patti smiles and turns back toward the kitchen. “God knows we remember what it’s like to be young and crazy in love.”

“Or not in love.” Colleen regards me with a serious look. “None of our business what you two have going on.”

“Thanks.” I nibble my muffin as Patti wanders into the back room and Colleen starts ringing up my purchase.

As she hands me my change, her expression turns serious again. “By the way, there was another hacking attempt.”

I freeze. “Another?”

“Yeah,” she says. “I sent Dean an email about it but figured you’d want to know.”

“Thanks.” I’m not sure what he’s told her about the snake or postcard or any other incidents. “Did the hacker get through?”

“Nah, we were able to block it.” She shakes her head. “Whoever this guy is, he’s getting sneakier.”

I sip my latte, wishing I had something to add to the conversation. Something besides guilt that I could somehow be behind this. “What do you think is going on?”

Colleen shrugs and leans back against the counter. “Beats me. I’m no cop.”

“Surely you have a theory.”

She takes her time considering that. “I know a lot of folks out here weren’t happy about a bunch of Hollywood elites swooping in and buying a bunch of prime acreage. Especially for a reality TV show.”

“You think that’s it?” The theory ebbs my guilt just a little. “What about some of the cult people? Maybe they’re behind it.”

“Could be.” She shrugs again. “Maybe the new PI will have some insights.”

“Lieutenant Lovelin?” I assume that’s who she means, though a PI and a police chief are hardly the same thing. “She’s great, isn’t she?”

Colleen anchors a lid on my mug and sets it on the counter. “She’s terrific, but I meant the PI. The new guy Dean hired after what happened out at your place.”

She’s looking at me like I’m supposed to know about this, so I do my best imitation of someone with a clue. “Oh. Yeah, of course.” I pick up my drink and take a sip, burning my tongue. “Well, I’m sure someone will get to the bottom of it.”


Grabbing my plate and mug, I turn and head for the table Dean and I have used for our last couple meetings. I’m halfway there when Mari glances up from her laptop. She’s wearing yoga pants and a hoodie sweatshirt, and I’m instantly jealous of how comfy she looks.

“Hey, Vanessa.” She smiles and nudges her glasses up her nose. “Settling in okay?”

“Great,” I tell her. “We’ve got most of the candidates narrowed down on the finance side of things.”

“Wonderful.” She leans back in her chair as her gaze sweeps over me. “I actually meant outside of work. This must be a big change, uprooting your life and having to be on camera. That’s on top of the stress of what happened the other night.”

For a second I think she means sex in the woods with her brother, and it takes my brain a second to catch up. “Oh, you mean the snake.”

Mari folds her hands on the table beside her laptop, studying me with bookish intensity. “I can only imagine how triggering it must be to have someone pinpoint your phobias like that. I was chatting with Oprah a couple years ago and—this was on the air, by the way, so I’m not breaching confidentiality—”

“Of course,” I manage, taken aback by how casual she’s being about a conversation with television royalty.

“Anyway, Oprah also suffers from globophobia,” Mari continues. “She traces it back to childhood.”

“Really? I had no idea.”

Mari’s sitting straight in her chair, in full-on shrink mode now. “In her case, the fear is rooted in the sound of balloons popping and the fact that it triggers thoughts of gunfire.” She tilts her head to study me. “I don’t suppose that’s a factor for you? Copyright 2016 - 2024