Show Time (Juniper Ridge Romantic Comedies #1) - Tawna Fenske Page 0,56

our systems, gaining closure.

But this doesn’t feel like an ending. It’s the brightest beginning I’ve ever felt, and I don’t know how long I can pretend that’s not true.

She clenches around me, and I know she’s there. “Oh, God!”

Her slick walls spasm with release. I drive in hard as she arches up to meet me. My own orgasm chases hers, barreling along with no brakes. I hear myself shout, though I’ve never been noisy in bed. Something inside me snaps, and I’m gasping and moaning and murmuring words even I can’t grasp.

Slowly, the pleasure recedes. As my vision clears, Vanessa goes slack in my arms. I roll to my side, pulling her against me as I fight to clear my head, my senses, my conscience.

But there’s only one thing that’s clear as Vanessa curls up against me and burrows into my side.

She’s not out of my system. Not even close.

Chapter 12


Vincent, Vanessa: (CFO, Juniper Ridge)

It’s funny, people make this big deal about how women can’t separate sex from love. Like a couple good orgasms rattle our brains so hard we hear wedding bells, while guys are just thinking about…I don’t know, sandwiches, I guess. Maybe that whole dynamic is supposed to be part of this show? Anyway, I don’t think it’s this across-the-board kinda rule. I’ve never had any trouble keeping my head and my heart and my…well, other parts from getting all tangled up together. I mean, what’s the big deal? It’s just sex, right?

That was…

That was…

I don’t even know what that was except amazing.

I’m lying snuggled against Dean, feigning sleep because I’m not sure how to deal with the fact that what just happened between us was so incredible, I can’t feel my toes. Or my fingertips.

I can feel a lot of other parts, and all of them are humming a singular harmony: Him. This one. This guy. He’s the one.

Which is nuts, and also why I’m pretending I’ve drifted into the stupor of a thoroughly satisfied lover.

Eyes closed, I’m conscious of Dean stroking my hair, kissing the edge of my temple. He just lifted one of my curls and held it to his face, brushing it against his lips. I’m drunk with the thought he’s loving my scent the same way I do his.

Maybe I can lie here forever. Eyes closed like this, not confronting the fact that I just slept with a guy I absolutely shouldn’t sleep with.

“I know you’re awake, Vanessa.”

His words startle my eyes open, and I look up to see him smiling at me. I blink a few times struggling to think of something to say. Something wise and cool and meaningful.

“This doesn’t have to be weird, right?”

That wasn’t it.

Dean laughs and tugs a curl at the edge of my temple. “Define weird. There was none of that pony play you mentioned. I don’t think you called me ‘daddy.’”

“Small blessings.” I close my eyes again, not sure what the hell I said in the throes of orgasm. I’ve never been a screamer, but the ache in my throat tells me I delivered more than polite, ladylike moans.

“Look, I just have to say that was unreal.” Dean’s voice makes me open my eyes again, and my heart seizes at the intensity in his eyes.

I nod my agreement, not positive my voice still works. “It was pretty great.”

Pretty great?

Chocolate lava cake is pretty great. A trip to Greece is pretty great. Eating chocolate lava cake on the balcony of a Greek villa with Oprah Winfrey and Meryl Streep would be pretty great, and none of it compares with what just happened between Dean and me.

But the inner turmoil turning my brain to mush doesn’t seem to be affecting him. “It was amazing, really.” He laughs, stroking my hair again. “I mean, if we were aiming to get it out of our systems, we sure as hell went out with a bang.”

I nod against the pillow, reminding myself that’s what we agreed. One and done, that’s it. “Yep.” I lick my lips and notice they’re kiss-swollen. “Totally got it out of my system.”

As if.

Dean looks at me for a long time, and I pray I was more convincing than I was when faking sleep. I wish I could read his mind as easily as he seems to read mine. Is he as cool under the surface as he appears to be?

He clears his throat, and I brace for him to say something about getting home. For him to clarify this was a one-time thing. Amazing Copyright 2016 - 2024