Show Time (Juniper Ridge Romantic Comedies #1) - Tawna Fenske Page 0,53

can definitely do that.”

“Good. Um, right.” I clear my throat, trying to get some blood back into my brain. “All right, anything off-limits?”

“Being called someone else’s name isn’t awesome.”

“Of course.” Shit, has that happened to her? “What else?”

“Let’s see.” She taps her fork with her fingernail, and I wonder if it’s a nervous habit. Like maybe a tell in poker. “I’m not into strangulation or pony play or dressing up in each other’s clothes.”

“Okay, we’re on the same page there.” I start to pick up my burger again, then stop. “But really, I’m pretty open. If there’s something you want…”

“You.” She grins and stabs into her salad. “That’s pretty much it. I want you.”

Electricity zings through me, and I fight to hold it together. “Same. And seriously, if there’s anything special you like, just tell me. Or show me.” Hell, she could ask me to light my hair on fire and say I’m a Roman Candle, and I’d beg for some goddamn matches.

“Okay, so we’re compatible.” She grins. “How about you? Anything in particular you do or don’t like?”

I swallow my macaroni salad before answering. “I can’t stand it when people pet my eyebrows backwards.”

Vanessa bursts out laughing. “This happens to you often?”

“My sisters used to do it to bug me.” I drop my fork and reach out to trace a thumb over her brow line. “See, it feels nice if someone pets your eyebrow in the direction the hair grows.”

“Okay, yeah, I get it.” She flushes under my touch, and I love seeing her react.

I switch directions, stroking my thumb toward the center of her forehead. “But if they go the wrong way—”

“Stop, no, I get it.” She laughs, swatting my hand away. “Okay, I can promise I won’t pet your eyebrows. Not forward or backward or upside down or any way at all.”

I grin and draw my hand back, already missing the feel of her. “Just covering all our bases.”

“Absolutely.” She takes a swallow of water. “Okay, on that note, I’m not a fan of being tied up. I like my hands free for—well, for whatever I might want to touch.”

Any blood remaining in my brain heads south in a big hurry. “I think I can manage to forego bondage this one time.” I swallow back the urge to grab her right fucking now. “Anything else?”

“Uh, well, that thing where guys want women to call them ‘daddy’ or baby-talk in bed?” She shrugs. “Not my thing.”

“Mine, either.” I nod and pick up my burger. “I’m okay with being called Goliath, He-Man, or Waldhar the Wonder Penis Warrior.”

She bursts into laughter, hair falling over her eyes. “Okay, I’ll take She-ra, Your Majesty, or My-God-You’re-The-Hottest-Woman-On-Earth.”

“I can manage that.” Without a touch of irony, I might add. “So, uh…do you want to choreograph positions, or are you open for spontaneity there?”

She’s still smiling, but bright sparks flash in her eyes. It’s clear I’m not the only one who’s aroused by this conversation. “Let’s play it by ear.” She fiddles with the edge of her napkin. “I know this all seems silly, but I like having things out in the open.”

“Not silly at all.” I take a sip of water. “More couples should probably do this before they start taking off their clothes.”

She bites her lip. “I’m not ruining the mood?”

“Honey, I couldn’t be more in the mood if you got naked right now and laid down on my plate.” I move my fork aside. “Here, I’ll make it easy for you.”

She laughs, but there’s hesitation in her eyes. Something telling me there’s more to this little exercise than titillation or consent. “I’ve been thinking about what you said. About running straight from my overbearing mother and into the arms of men who were just as controlling. I’m just—I’m trying not to do that, you know?”

I nod and slip my hand over hers. “I get it. I do.”

God knows I’m trying my best not to repeat mistakes I made with Andrea. Pushing my plate aside, I turn to fully face her. “Look, I won’t pretend whatever happens between us—whatever we decide to do—is going to be all stars and rainbows and angels singing on high.”

She laces her fingers through mine. “Voyeur angels sound creepy anyway.”

I squeeze her hand, wanting to be sure she hears what I’m saying. “First times can be awkward.” I stop, realizing I’m selling myself short. “Look, I can promise I’ll get you off. How’s that for straightforward?”

Her throat moves as she swallows. “That’s…um…promising.”

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