Show Time (Juniper Ridge Romantic Comedies #1) - Tawna Fenske Page 0,22

I notice his hands.

Lauren’s on her feet again, lugging the lights toward an open patch of concrete near the waterslide’s exit. “This is going to be great. Gabe, how about we try for the low angle shot first?”

As the two of them get lost in a chatter of lights and camera settings, Dean shoots me an apologetic look. “I’m guessing this isn’t how you envisioned your first day of work.”

I shrug and drag my simple red tank suit out of my bag. “Nothing about this job is really normal, is it? Come on, boss man—get changed.”

I can’t believe I’m being this bold with the CEO. I can’t believe he’s going along with it, lumbering to his feet with another glare at his brother. “Is your car unlocked?”

“Yeah, of course. Gym bag’s in back.”

With a resigned sigh, Dean ambles toward the door. The second he disappears, Lauren calls my name.

I shuffle toward her, red maillot tank suit gripped in my hand. “What’s up?”

She’s adjusting one of the lights but turns to look at me. “Just wanted to congratulate you. I can’t believe you got him to do this.”

“Me? Gabe was the one badgering him.”

Gabe looks up from adjusting his tripod. “He’d have turned me down in a heartbeat. That was all you, my friend.”

Lauren nods her agreement. “He knew he’d look like a big pansy letting you do it by yourself.”

I’m strangely pleased by this. Not just that I have the power to influence the stoic, no-nonsense CEO, but that I’m getting to have a little fun.

In all my adult relationships, I’ve taken my cue from the men. Bosses, boyfriends, all of them have called the shots. Not that I was this withering little damsel in distress, but I always felt content to let someone else drive the ship.

Not anymore. And seeing Dean Judson take cues from me is a powerful thing.

“I just hope you get your shot,” I tell Lauren, hoping she can’t read my mind.

Her steely eyes hold mine for a few beats. “I always get my shot.” She points toward a turquoise door in the corner. “Ladies’ dressing room is over there. There’s a shelf by the door with robes and towels and stuff. The showers should be all stocked with supplies.”

“Thanks.” I turn and head for the locker room, fighting against the niggle of self-doubt creeping up on me. Is it weird to strip on my first day of work? It’s not in the employee handbook, and this seems like a gray area.

I push the worries out of my head, reminding myself this job is like none I’ve ever had before. It’s new and different and a completely fresh start. Exactly what I wanted.

Peeling off my clothes in the locker room, I thank my lucky stars I had a bikini wax last week. My toes could use a pedicure, and I could stand to lose five or ten pounds, but to hell with all that. I’m here to be respected for my brain, not the way I fill out a swimsuit.

Still, I can’t help glancing at myself in the mirror as I adjust the straps of my suit. Not bad. My sister tells me I look good in red, and she might have a point. I pull my hair up into a messy topknot, then grab one of the fluffy white robes by the door.

By the time I get back to the base of the waterslide, Lauren and Gabe have everything set up. Lauren smiles as I wander over to join them. “Way to be a team player, Vincent,” she says. “First round of post-work cocktails is on me.”

“As soon as we have a bar,” Gabe points out. “Why wasn’t that the first thing we hired for?”

“Because doctors and firefighters are slightly more important than gin and tonics.” Dean saunters in looking like sex on a stick, and my jaw falls open.

Literally, my whole mouth unhinges like in cartoons. Somehow, I manage to pull it back together, but I can’t stop my gaze from sweeping hungrily over his torso. Everything ripples with lean muscle, from the curve of his perfect biceps to the slope of his pecs dusted with fine, dark hair. Does he seriously have eight-pack abs? I’ve never seen that in real life and ohmygod I need to stop staring.

I whirl back to face Lauren. “Is that—uh—lighting all set up?”

It’s clear she’s fighting a grin as she presses her lips together and nods. “Yep. All ready to go. Dean, why don’t you grab one of Copyright 2016 - 2024