Short Stack - Lily Morton Page 0,95

him and peers out of the window. “A fact that the housekeeper Mrs Dawkins will be eternally grateful for, as it’s her you’re shooting at.”

“What’s the damn fool woman playing at, flitting about the grounds like a bloody ghost? Up to no good, I’ll be damned.”

“Going home, my lord. Probably hoping to be set upon by thieves and bandits to really top her day off well.”

Lord Ingram shakes his head crossly. “Go and load my gun, man. We can’t be undefended. Just because you’re the sort to cower under your bed when intruders come doesn’t mean that Milo and I are the same. Are we, young Milo?”

“Oh erm,” I start to say, but he loses interest as Angus bows slowly and creakily while removing the rife neatly from the old man’s hand.

“Hiding it under my bed might be problematic as the bed frame is woefully inadequate. I’d replace it if you paid me any more than the current pittance. I shall just have to hide under the mattress and hope for the best.”

Lord Ingram waves his hand rather cavalierly. “Make sure you load the gun in my bedroom too and then Milo and I will have some brandy. Make sure it’s not watered down. I’m sure you’re drinking it.”

“It makes my intolerable existence here just a little better, sir,” he intones and glides away.

Lord Ingram gazes after him fondly. “Good bloke,” he says enthusiastically. “A bit salty, but what can you do?”

I gaze up at him, at a loss for words, and make my escape soon after.

“But no wandering the grounds, Milo,” he calls after wishing me a good night. “We wouldn’t want our backside peppered with buckshot, would we?”

“Not without you buying me a drink,” I say.


“I said I’m going to wash in the sink.”

“Good God, man, I’ve no wish to hear about your ablutions.”

I blink and wave goodnight.

Once upstairs, I have a long hot shower and then settle down into the cold bed to watch an old episode of Suits. I must have dropped off because when I open my eyes, my iPad is playing a different episode and the fire has died down in the grate.

I blink sleepily, wondering what woke me, and then hear the buzzing of my phone. I reach out and snag it, and when I see the name, I grin widely.

“Hey, you,” I say sleepily. “I thought you’d be fucking your hand by now.”

“Hey, sweetheart,” Niall says happily. “I was going to, but then I had a much better idea.”

I sit up, propping myself on the pillows. “What idea?” I pause. “Oh God, you’re not decorating the study, are you?”

He sighs. “No, I wouldn’t dare after the disparaging remarks you’ve made about my colour choices so far.”

“They’re not colours so much as shades,” I say slowly. “And boring ones at that. Leave it for when I get back, and I’ll do it.”

“What are you planning for this one? Purple with pink stripes? Maybe a bit of glitter?”

“Fuck off,” I murmur, trying not to laugh. “My choices will be tasteful. Bold but tasteful. And you’ll love it.”

“I suppose I will. I enjoy having you in the house far too much to gripe about yellow walls.”

“Do you mind?” I ask suddenly. “I mean, it’s your house.”

“Nope. It’s ours. And Lo, my darling, you do not suit bland colours. You’re far too quirky and gorgeous. So, decorate how you want. I don’t notice the colour of the walls and curtains when you’re in a room. Just you.”

“Oh, I miss you so much,” I say fiercely. “I wish you were here.”


“Yes. This bed is huge, but it’s cold and horrible without you.”

“That sounds terrible. I know what will make it better. Look out of your window,” he says with a thread of laughter running through his voice.

Something warm unravels inside my stomach, and I race over to the tall window and fling it open. Peering out, I have a second to think I was wrong and then a shadow detaches from the shade of the trees, and I gape down at my husband-to-be.

He stares up at me, his smile wide and white in the gloom. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair,” he calls out, laughing his head off.

“Oh my God, what are you doing here?” I hiss, trying not to talk too loudly and glancing around quickly to see if we’re being observed. The last thing I need is my fiancé’s arse being an air rifle target for Lord Ingram.

“I couldn’t wait two more days for you, Copyright 2016 - 2024