Short Stack - Lily Morton Page 0,11

Grant float through my head. When I start to imagine him being grabbed and kissed by the wanker, I shake my head firmly. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I trust him totally, but I’ve never felt this intense rage before.

My phone rings and distracts me. I reach out quickly, only to slump slightly when I see that it’s Jude.

“Hi,” I say, connecting the call.

There’s a startled silence for a second, and then he laughs. “Fuck me. Gabe, you’ve got to stop being so enthusiastic when you speak to me. Dylan might get ideas.”

“Dylan’s not the one getting ideas,” I say glumly.

“Okay.” He elongates the word. “What’s up with you?”

I sigh. “Nothing.” I pause, and then it comes out in a rush. “He’s working late, and it’s for that bastard, Grant Richards. You know he’s after him, and I can’t help but wonder if he’d be a better bet than me, and—”

“Whoa, whoa,” he says quickly. “I think that’s enough for now. You’re right. Grant Richards is a total slimebag, and yes he wants Dylan. A blind, oblivious man would recognise that.” He pauses. “But you’re forgetting one thing.”

“What?” I say glumly.

“Dylan’s in love with you, Gabe, and has been for years.” His voice warms like honey. “You mean everything to him.”

“But Grant’s so smooth. I don’t know if you’ve heard Dylan’s ridiculous opinion that I’m difficult?”

“I dismissed that at once,” he says seriously, and I smile.

“Thank you,” I reply solemnly, and then sigh again like a completely sad twat. “I am difficult though, and sarcastic, and too serious sometimes, and… Bloody hell, this jealousy business isn’t fun at all.”

“Gabe, sweet cheeks, you’re forgetting one major fact.”

“What is that, and please, for the love of God, never call me sweet cheeks again.”

“Your loss,” he says peacefully. “Gabe, you were difficult and sarcastic and grumpy when he met you. You’ve never put on an act. You’ve just been you, and Dylan fell in love with that you, the real one. He loves the snark and sarcasm. It appeals to something in him, probably the masochistic side.” I laugh, and he carries on talking earnestly. “Nobody ever got anywhere with him because he was always just waiting for you.” He pauses. “You’re fiddling with that bloody ring box again, aren’t you?”

My fingers jump away from the box. “No,” I say guiltily.

“Yeah, yeah. Gabe, you have to ask him. Please.”


“Because I can’t take any more tension. Every day I think he’s going to announce it. The other morning he said he had news for me and I screamed and whooped and jumped on him, and do you know what he meant?”

“What?” I ask, smiling. Jude never fails to cheer me up.

“He’d got me a free copy of The Daily Mail from the newsstand.” I laugh, and he jeers. “I had to tell him that I really loved the paper and didn’t get enough time lately to read the interesting articles. I may have also segued into a ridiculous conversation about the merits of the women’s page.”

I laugh out loud. “I’ll do it. I promise you.”

He turns serious. “Do it for you and him. Don’t wait for the perfect time because that never comes. Just wait for the time that’s perfect for you.”

“I will.” I nod and then jerk as I hear the sound of Dylan’s key in the front door. On cue, Charlie gives a volley of little yelps which are his version of barking, and then he bursts out of his basket. I hear the scrabble of his little claws on the hall tiles and, muttering a quick goodbye, I stride into the hall. I can hear Dylan cooing at the dog.

“There’s my baby. Who’s a good boy? Who’s your daddy, Charlie Hunnam?”

“Why do you have to make everything so pervy?” I say laughingly, and then I frown. “Good grief, you look like shit, Dylan.”

He snorts out a laugh that evolves into a deep, hacking cough, and I grab him by the hips before putting one hand up to his forehead. “Shit. Darling, you’re burning up. Do you feel worse?”

“A bit,” he says hoarsely and leans into me heavily. “Actually, make that a lot. I feel rough. I had to call a halt to work.”

I look at his face with concern, as it’s a putty colour. “I think you’ve got the cold that was doing the rounds the other week. Bernard had it at work.” I stop as he shoots me a laughing glance. “What?”

He shakes his head, giving a secret Copyright 2016 - 2024