Shifted Love Volume 1 - Fiona Davenport Page 0,74

my pants. Fuck yeah! Slazar glared at me, to which I gave him a wink before kissing my mate on her temple.

“This isn’t over, my brilliant girl,” he sighed. “I’ll win eventually.” I suppressed a snort, reminding myself that he didn’t understand my Calliope like I did, or how important family was to us.

He gave her an air-kiss on each cheek from a foot away since I wouldn’t let him get any closer. Then he promised to call and spun on his heel to stroll across the room to another one of his pet projects.

I curled my arm around Calliope and steered her into the nearest dark corner before bringing her front flush against mine. I smirked as I stared down into her beautiful, happy face. “You want to get knocked up, huh?”

She blushed and dropped her eyes to my chest. “I could probably be convinced to let you put a little cub in my belly,” she quipped lightly, followed by an adorable giggle.

I let her go so that I could grab her hand and drag her toward the exit to the back lot. But I only got as far as a few steps before she was tugging on my arm to halt me. “We can’t go yet,” she laughed. “For one thing, your family is waiting for us out in the audience!”

Sighing, I altered our direction and headed for the door that led out to the seating area around the runway. “Let’s get this over with,” I muttered. Calliope laughed again, and I felt the sound reverberate through me, sending a tingle straight to my dick. I loved nothing more than seeing my mate happy, especially when that happiness was due to an earth-shattering orgasm. Fuck. I really needed to focus on something besides getting inside my woman. Otherwise, it would only take one look at the bulge in my pants for everyone to know exactly where my mind was at.

“Oh, my sweet girl!” my mother cried joyfully as she pulled Calliope into her arms. “Congratulations! I’m so proud of you!”

My sisters stepped in next, gushing over my mate’s designs and the success of the show. “I knew it would be spectacular!” Trinity claimed, beaming with pride.

After the girls calmed down, my father stepped up and gathered Calliope into a giant bear hug, making her glow with happiness. Knowing what her childhood had been like, I was so grateful for how my family had embraced her. When he let her go, she practically floated back into my arms.

“So! Which after-party should we hit first?” Tabara asked, practically jumping up and down with eagerness.

I inwardly groaned. Son of a bitch. I’d forgotten about all that shit. My first instinct was to throw Calliope over my shoulder and run back to our hotel room, but I wasn’t going to take away any of this experience from her.

“Umm…” Calliope glanced up at me hesitantly, and I smiled gently in return.

“Whatever you want to do, baby. Tonight is about making your dreams come true.”

“All of them?” she whispered with a smirk.

I nodded. “I'll do anything for you, you know that. Even if it means a bunch of loud, crowded, sweaty parties full of pretentious artsy types, like those two.” I pointed at my sisters and grinned when I heard them gasp in overly dramatic outrage.

“Low blow, little brother,” Trinity murmured. “How did someone so awesome end up with your boring, grumpy ass?”

Calliope giggled and went up on her tiptoes to place a sweet kiss on my jaw. “He’s perfect,” she said softly. Then she looked at my sisters apologetically. “But you’ll have to party without us. Tane and I have—um—other plans. Other dreams to work on.” She blushed and buried her face in my chest. I might have laughed if I hadn’t been so fucking turned on.

I didn’t bother to say another word as I grabbed my woman by her hips and threw her over my shoulder to make a beeline for the nearest exit. Only the sound of my dad’s booming laughter managed to penetrate my focus, making me grin.

“You are so fucking gorgeous,” I whispered as I stared at my naked mate, sprawled out on the bed. I licked my lips in anticipation of devouring the feast in front of me. However, my cock was swollen to epic proportions, and my tiger growling and gnashing his teeth, threatening violence if I didn’t get inside Calliope so we could put our cub in her womb.

“This first time is going to be hard Copyright 2016 - 2024