Shifted Love Volume 1 - Fiona Davenport Page 0,32

was protecting me from the door. “Stop, you’re going to hurt yourself.”

Startled laughter burst from my lips. “Oh, that’s just great. The guy who kidnapped me because he thinks he can turn into an animal and I’m supposedly fated to be with him is worried that I’ll bruise my head or something during my perfectly reasonable reaction.”


He stared at me as though I’d know what his random, one-word response meant. “I’m sorry, what?”

“I figured it’d be easier for you to refer to me if you knew my name.” His lips curved up in a sexy grin, and I wanted to kick my own butt for reacting to it. “Kace Lowell.”

My dad had drilled the importance of a firm handshake so deeply into my head that my response was automatic. Stretching out my arm, I replied, “Larissa Nash.”

Kace’s palm slid against mine, and I felt his touch all the way to my core. “Larissa,” he repeated in a low, raspy tone. “A unique name for a beautiful woman.”

I tried to tug my hand from his hold, but he didn’t let go. “Oh, sure. Now you pour on the charm after you already showed me your faults.”

“I can be a fuck of a lot more charming where you’re concerned,” he promised with a sexy smirk. “And being a shifter isn’t a fault. It should go in the plus column because you’ll never have to worry about how I’ll treat you. You are the center of my world. The one person I put above my pack.”

He had me falling for his line, right up until the last bit. “Is your pack part of the whole changing into an animal thing?”

Tightening his hold on my hand, he guided me over to the couch. After getting me settled, he crouched down until we were eye level. “I get that it’s difficult to believe that shifters exist, and I don’t expect you to take my word for it when we only just met.”

He was back to sounding reasonable, and I felt as though I had mental whiplash. “That’s good because I’m not going to believe you can change into an animal without seeing it with my own eyes.”

“Deal.” He unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt before tugging it over his head. My gaze was glued to his six-pack abs, so it took a moment to register in my brain that he had kicked off his boots and popped open the snap on his jeans.

I slapped a hand over my eyes, but I was super tempted to peek through my fingers because he was so darn sexy. “What are you doing?”

There was a rustling sound, and then his jeans landed on top of my feet. “Showing you my wolf.”

His answer was so matter-of-fact, as though people claimed they could shift into an animal every day. “Your wolf?”

“He’s bigger than most since I’m the alpha, but you don’t need to be scared of him,” he promised. “My wolf would die to protect you.”

My eyes popped open at his vow, and I stared at my hand until I felt the brush of fur against my legs. I dropped my arm and gasped in shock at the huge wolf sitting in front of me. Its head was several inches above mine, and familiar dark brown eyes stared down his snout at me. “Holy crap! You were serious. You really can change into a wolf.”

He chuffed at me and lowered his head, his rough tongue swiping against my hand.

“Okay. Wow,” I breathed. “I’m going to take that as a yes.”

Remembering what he’d said about not being afraid, I reached out to stroke my hand down his back. “Your fur is so soft.”

With his tongue hanging out, the wolf jumped up next to me on the couch. He rested his head on my lap, and I took it as an invitation to keep petting him. I dug my fingers in his thick fur and murmured, “You’re freaking huge, but I’ve never seen a more gorgeous animal in my life.”

It was impossible to miss the gleam of male satisfaction in his dark eyes. “Duh, I guess I should’ve realized you’d understand what I’m saying. But I refuse to be embarrassed. I’m sure you already know how amazing your wolf is. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. It makes sense that a superhot guy wouldn’t turn into just any wolf.”

He shifted on my lap, his tongue stroking against my cheek. I rubbed my hand against the trail of wetness the lick left Copyright 2016 - 2024