Shifted Love Volume 1 - Fiona Davenport Page 0,23

once again shut, and I was all alone. Laughing, I padded over to my suitcase and hurried to throw on a T-shirt and pair of sweats before joining the family in the living room.

I saved the best gift for last, and the wait had nearly driven me out of my mind. Especially with my impatient wolf growling and practically pacing inside me.

Allegra gasped at a beautiful scarf silk scarf she’d just received from her parents. While she ran over to give them each a hug, I slipped her last present from my pocket and placed it in her spot next to me. “You missed one,” I announced, attempting to sound surprised.

“I did?” she asked excitedly as she spun around and came racing back to me. All morning, I’d watched her light up with every single gift she opened. Her mom had mentioned to me that Allegra still loved the holidays every bit as much as she had as a kid. It was adorable, and Allegra’s enthusiasm was contagious. But what truly got to me was this glimpse of what our daughters would look like at Christmas someday. Which brought me back to the matter at hand.

Allegra stopped when she reached the couch and stared at the small box wrapped in silver paper and red ribbon. Her eyes darted from the gift to me and back, then she snatched it and gave me a bright, hopeful smile. “From you?” she asked excitedly.

I winked and grinned as I shook my head. “Santa,” I joked.

She laughed and plopped down into her seat before ripping the wrapping off the present. Her breathing halted as she stared at the black velvet box, then it whooshed out as I dropped to one knee in front of her.

“Allegra, sweetheart. I knew from the moment we met that you were destined to be mine. Even if my mind hadn’t known you weren’t my fated m”—I paused when I realized what I’d been about to say and quickly adjusted—“soul mate, my heart would have made it clear. I belong to you, and you belong to me. Forever.” My eyes drifted to the spot on her neck that sported a barely noticeable reminder that I’d marked her. “And I want the rest of the world to know that we’ve mat—committed ourselves to each other.” I popped up the lid to the box and removed the diamond solitaire from its velvet bedding. “Will you marry me and wear this ring that”—I gave her a sly grin—“marks you as mine?” I didn’t wait for her answer as I slipped the ring onto her finger.

When I looked up, tears were streaming down Allegra’s beautiful face, but she was smiling from ear to ear, beaming brighter than the sun. “Yes!” she shouted before throwing her arms around me and almost knocking us backward. Then she pulled back suddenly and frowned. “I want everyone to know you’re taken too,” she grumbled as she looked pointedly at my unmarred neck. I almost laughed, but I knew the fact that I didn’t carry her mark upset her more than she let on. It wasn’t like human women could smell her scent on me the way shifters could.

I dug into my opposite pocket and produced another ring. This one was a solid, white gold band. It was a little thicker but almost an exact match to the one I would add to hers on our wedding day. “I figured you’d feel that way, and I completely agree.” Allegra practically bounced with excitement as she snatched the ring from my hand and quickly pushed it onto my finger.

Before I could steal another kiss, the sound of her father clearing his throat drew our attention. He gazed at us proudly, and I patted myself on the back for taking her father aside yesterday and asking him for his blessing. Not that his disapproval would have stopped me, but I would have waited until we were home to pop the question.

Hannah was also gazing at us happily, her hands clasped in front of her, and when Allegra glanced over at her, I felt the tension in her melt away. She jumped up and ran to her mother, giving her a fierce hug. Joe shook my hand and congratulated us before giving Allegra a big bear hug.

Hannah walked up to me, and Allegra couldn’t have smiled any wider when her mom gave me a hug. “Take care of my baby girl, Zeke. It’s hard for me to let her go, and if Copyright 2016 - 2024