She's Mine Now - Weston Parker Page 0,50

had me out of my mind in no time at all. Everything about him felt perfect. The weight of him on top of me, the hardness inside, and the light scratching of his stubble against my jaw.

When he wedged his hand in between us to stroke my clit, I was done for. My toes curled, and I came screaming his name to anyone who might be out here with us.

I jerked upright in bed, sweaty and panting. It took me a few long seconds to realize I was alone, fully clothed, and in my own bed.

Man, what a dream!

Disappointment stabbed like pinpricks at my gut about it only having been a dream, but I pushed it aside. Chris had promised me that there’d be more hooking up for real in our future and I believed him.

Sure, it would’ve been way better if he was here right now, but he wasn’t. There was nothing I could do about it except to make sure that someday soon, he’d be here when I woke up.

That way, I’d be able to wake him up in a special way and have him take advantage of the state my dreams left me in since I’d met him. Despite my recent orgasm, I was very much unsatisfied.

Being hot and bothered wasn’t going to help me get back to sleep, though. Neither would my sudden hyperawareness of the sweat and grime of the day still covering my skin.

I stayed on my firm mattress for a few more seconds, staring at my dark ceiling and doing breathing exercises to calm my racing heart. Once it didn’t feel like it was galloping anymore, I sat up and tried to ignore the slickness between my legs so I wouldn’t go back to thinking about my dream.

A glance at the clock on my nightstand told me I’d only been asleep for about three hours. I needed to get at least three more if I wanted to function like a human being tomorrow morning. Plus, my sister made breakfast at seven every day. She’d have my head for dessert if I was late.

Mindful of that fact, I turned the faucet to lukewarm and stripped out of my uniform before climbing into the shower. Not even the cool water and the imminent threat of being murdered by Katie could quite snap me out of my dream completely.

I’d been in a dry spell for so long that I wasn’t surprised awesome sex had woken up my previously-thought-to-be-dead libido. Having a wet dream, though? That was a surprise. It had never happened to me before.

My nipples tingled as memories, fantasies, and dreams collided in my mind. I lathered my hands with shampoo and washed my hair, conditioned it, and reached for the soap, going through the motions as my brain tortured me and my body reacted.

Shit, has he turned me into some kind of sex addict? Why couldn’t I stop thinking about it?

I suspected I knew the answer, even if I didn’t want to pay much attention to it. Luna had mentioned to me when she and Cyrus first got together that the same thing had happened to her.

So I wasn’t an addict. I just couldn’t stop thinking about it because for the first time ever, I’d met a guy who knew what he was doing and wanted to do it to me. A guy who also happened to be nice, hot, and funny.

Strangely, I didn’t freak out about any of this. His reaction to my uncertainty over what we’d done had wiped away any doubts. I couldn’t keep freaking out about him, and as I stood under the cool water, I realized I was completely calm.

If anything, I was suddenly even more excited about tomorrow. We were going to have a good day with him, and if it was at all possible, I might even be able to convince him to re-enact my dream with me.

More tingles exploded across my skin and I smiled. Yeah, tomorrow’s going to be a good day, for sure.

Chapter 19


Early on Saturday morning, I was awake and ready to go. April and I hadn’t set a time, so I sat on a stool in my kitchen and fired off a text to her.

Me: I’ve got a full day planned. Can I come to pick you up in about an hour?

Staring at my phone, I waited for her response. Three jumping dots told me when she started typing, and the reply came through a minute later.

April: Ready whenever you are ;-)

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