She's Mine Now - Weston Parker Page 0,48

knock therapy out of the park.” She turned to me. “What’s next?”

“I think it’s time for us to progress to some more challenging exercises.” I climbed to my feet and nodded at Hunter. “Do you agree with my assessment that she’s ready for phase two of the treatment plan?”

Although the final decision rested with me, he’d been with her alone in this session so far and I trusted his judgment. “Yep. I think she can handle it.”

“Great. Let me show you what I want you to start on.”

Hunter and I demonstrated the exercises we’d be working on with her for the next couple of weeks until she was ready for more.

The rest of the session flew by. Adi was, as always, a model patient. She paid attention to what we did and tried her best to mimic us.

When Hunter called time at the end of the day, she was smiling despite the sweat dotting her brow. “Thank you for helping me, Chris. I’m happy that it’s you.”

“So am I.” I fist-bumped with her when she offered and ruffled her hair.

Hunter gave her a mock pout and jerked his thumb at his chest. “I’ve been helping too. Aren’t you happy I’m helping?”

She giggled and rolled her eyes. “Thank you for helping too, teddy bear.”

He winked at her. “You’re welcome.”

April’s gaze met mine, and for once, there was real warmth in it. “Thanks, guys. We’ll see you soon, right?”

“Definitely.” I really wanted to kiss her goodbye, but I didn’t.

Our relationship wasn’t quite there—yet.

One of these days, I was hoping it would be.

Chapter 18


Late shifts were the worst. Everyone I passed in the parking lot looked more zombie than human by the time we got off.

It had been a busy one, too. There had been a pile-up on the freeway and it had us running around like crazy people trying to accommodate the surge of patients.

I was half dead on my feet but I still needed to pick Adi up from Katie. As I made my way to my beat-up old car, I checked my watch and cursed.

The weather was nice tonight, a warm and balmy evening with barely even a breeze. But it was also late. Despite the good weather, I wasn’t sure about picking Adi up if she was already bathed and in her pajamas.

Sticking a hand into my purse, I rummaged around for my phone and keys. Once I located both, I called Katie and stuck the phone between my shoulder and ear as I unlocked the car and got in.

I leaned my head back. So, so tired.

I yawned just as Katie picked up. “Hey, are you finally done?”

“Yep. I just got to my car. I’ll be there as soon as I can. At least there shouldn’t be much traffic.”

“Adi’s already asleep,” she said. “Go home, get some rest, and you can come to pick her up in the morning?.

“Are you sure?” My lids were so heavy that I didn’t have it in me to argue too much. “I don’t mind coming to get her. She’s my responsibility and you’ve already watched her all night.”

“We had fun,” she said simply. “Now go home. I’ll see you for breakfast.”

“Appreciate it.” I covered my mouth for another yawn. “See you tomorrow. Tell Adi I love her.”

“As soon as she wakes up,” my sister promised. “Drive safe.”

“I will.” We hung up, and I started the car, blasting music over the radio to stay alert. I drove slowly anyway, just to be safe, and was more than ready for bed by the time I made it to our apartment.

It was quiet and dark inside. I didn’t even bother turning on any lights. My bed called to me, chanting my name like it was putting me under its spell as soon as I stepped into my bedroom.

Just five minutes. I’ll brush my teeth and change in just five minutes.

I collapsed onto my bed before I could get out of my clothes, and I repeated my promise to myself. Before I could keep said promise, the scene changed.

Some part in the back of my mind knew I had fallen asleep, and I had the nagging feeling I shouldn’t have, but then I realized I was lying on a lounger on a deserted beach, and I stopped caring about why I should wake up.

Perfectly golden sunshine that didn’t seem to burn warmed my skin. Clear blue skies stretched as far as the eye could see, and waves lapped gently at the shore. It was the kind of Copyright 2016 - 2024