She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,6

out of place at these things maybe she was all of those stupid labels.

She rested back on the bench and stared at the sky. There was a breeze that picked up, and it stirred the flowers, creating this floral aroma around her.

She sighed, feeling weird and like an outcast, but then heated as she remembered the smoldering look in Reese’s eyes as he stared at her. Maybe he did want her?

She scoffed. No, the truth probably was far from that. No doubt it was all in her head, wishful thinking… projecting what she wanted.

She heard the song that came from inside the house switch, the volume increasing, and the lyrics so filthy she actually shifted on the seat.

Bitch, fuck, and pussy were every other word in the song. She closed her eyes and breathed through the feeling that started to increase in her. The shot was ten times more potent than the beer, and for the hundredth time since she drank it, Keira regretted her decision-making skills tonight.

The sound of someone coming closer, twigs breaking and feet clearly stumbling over each other, had her opening her eyes. She straightened just as she saw some guy weave his way in and out of the bushes. He had a beer in one hand and his cell in the other. The phone was pressed to his ear as he slurred out directions to Alistor’s house.

“Dude, just get here.” A moment of silence passed before he said, “Yeah, Grade-A, prime pussy, man. This ain’t no lower-side snatch.” He chuckled, and Keira found herself curling her lip at the sound of his voice. “Man, you can score two times over tonight. Girls are so wasted they don’t care if you got money or not. Yeah, yeah. These Black Mountain bitches want the poor fuckers like us when they’re smashed.”


“Okay, just hurry your ass up.” He ended the call and shoved his cell in the pocket of his jeans, lifted the beer bottle to his mouth, and chugged the rest before tossing it into the garden. He hadn’t noticed Keira yet, and maybe she’d be lucky enough he’d keep walking. She didn’t need that level of doucheary in her life.

But just as he was about to turn and head back to the party, his eyes landed on hers. He narrowed them, as if he couldn’t see her very well despite the decorative lamp posts placed around the landscaping.

“Shit,” he slurred out. “You hear all that. You eavesdropping?”

“No,” she said instantly.

His eyes narrowed again, so much it was almost as if they were closed now. He opened his eyes fully and stumbled over to her, the stench of beer and something sour coming from him in the worst kind of way. “It’s cool,” he said and grinned, his front teeth slightly crooked. “I’m cool.”

He’s cool? He’s the king of assholes tonight, it seemed.

He reached in his pocket and produced a lighter. And a joint. He said nothing else as he put it between his lips and lit the end. The only real way out of here was past him, and having to be that close made her skin crawl. Any other way would have her trampling through the flowers, but right now, she really didn’t care about ruining Alistor’s parents' landscaping.

He held the joint out, and she shook her head. She needed to get out of here. She went to stand and started walking past him, but he took a step to the side, blocking her path.

“What’s your name?”

“I need to get back to my friend… and my boyfriend,” she threw in there for good measure.

“I’m Josh,” he said as if she hadn’t just told him she needed to go.

“My boyfriend will be looking for me. He gets pissed when he can’t find me.” She looked into his eyes, which she could see were unfocused and glossy. “He’s kind of a possessive asshole.”

He inhaled deeply from the joint then exhaled directly in her face, the smoke surrounding her in a cloud. She coughed and waved her hand in front of her face. “I really need to go,” she said again, harder this time, with more firmness in her voice.

“Just chill.” He took another hit, and Keira started to grow increasingly uncomfortable. He wouldn’t move, and every time she shifted, he followed suit. “You sure you don’t want a little hit, you know, to loosen you up?” He tried to give her the joint again.

“I said I’m good.” He blew another mouthful of smoke in her face, and Copyright 2016 - 2024