She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,41

relieved or if he was disappointed. He loosened his hold on her wrist while keeping his eyes locked with hers.

“No sex. But we can do… other stuff, right?” she asked, and he groaned again when she slowly brought his zipper down; it sounded obscenely loud. “Or I can stop?” She stilled her movements, but he shook his head.

“God, don’t stop.”

Just because she was agreeing to no sex tonight didn’t mean she couldn’t at least ease some of their agony, and Lord knew she was feeling enough of that right now, especially between her legs.

“Is this okay?” She emphasized her point by pulling the zipper down another inch. He nodded slowly, but his jaw was locked so damn tight. Here she was, a virgin in every sense of the word, making these very sexual moves.

It felt liberating.

When the zipper was down, she slipped her hand through the fly as she stared right in his eyes. She found her way through the front of his boxers, and when her fingers brushed against the very big, very hard part of him that she craved the most, she gasped in shock.

He was massive.

“Christ,” he groaned and gritted his teeth when she tentatively wrapped her fingers around his girth. He was hot, and smooth, like velvet over steel.

His chest rose and fell fast and hard, and he lifted his arm and placed his hands on the wall beside her head, bracing himself as he leaned his head in closer to her. They shared the same air as she touched him, as their lips were a breath away.

She was soaked.

And when she pulled his cock out from the fly of his jeans, not even bothering with the button, it felt naughty and not romantic at all.

It felt like exactly what she needed at this moment.

“Jesus, Keira.” He closed his eyes and once again rested his forehead on hers when she started stroking him from root to tip. A tingling sensation slammed into her pussy and raced throughout her whole body.

“Kiss me, Ree—”

He didn’t let her finish the words before his mouth crashed against hers, his tongue slipping past her lips and taking dominance in the hot cavern. His cock felt like it swelled in her grasp, and she noted the wetness at the tip every time she moved her hand upward.

She twisted her hand slightly, an accidental move, but as her palm stroked over his crown, Reese’s hips jerked forward and he grunted in pleasure. He didn’t stop kissing her as he started a slow, steady thrust of his hips, pushing his erection into her hand then pulling away.

He fucked himself in her grasp.

Over and over he did that, using her hand as the instrument of his pleasure while he devoured her mouth.

He moved one hand over her shoulder, down her sternum, and cupped an aching, full breast in his palm. He moved his palm over the stiff tip, and an involuntary gasp of pleasure left her.

“Oh God, Reese.” Keira could barely get the words out.

Maybe starting this was bad… but right now, nothing sounded better.


Touching her was torture—pure, agonizing fucking torture. The way she responded to him had his cock harder than hell, so aching that he knew if he didn’t slow things down, he’d come before this even started. And fuck did he want this to start, to go further… to go all the way. But slow… he needed to go slow.

Dirty images slammed into his head, things that had to do with them in a bed, her beneath him, her smooth, soft skin bared, her legs parted. He could picture what she looked like, could imagine sinking into her over and over again until they both went over the edge.

Clothes were a barrier between them, but he could still feel every part of her. He ran his palm over her nipple, groaning when the little bead tightened beneath the material of her shirt.

He took her mouth harder, with more urgency, worrying that he might be too rough, too demanding, but unable to help himself. Keira drove him crazy. There had never been another female who had him in knots or had him so worked up he could come just by the feel of her breath along his lips.

“Reese.” Her head fell back against the wall, and he latched his mouth onto her throat. She tasted sweet, like vanilla and honey.

The flavor bathed his tongue in everything that was Keira. His cock throbbed in her hand, her skin smooth, the heat from her palm Copyright 2016 - 2024