She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,30


She panted against his lips and lifted her hips for harder contact, digging her pussy against the firmness of his cock.

“Please,” she murmured against his mouth, unsure what she was pleading for, but just knowing without a doubt she wanted more of this… of him.

His hand slid down her side and stopped on her outer thigh. The denim of her jeans wasn’t thick enough to stop the heat that came from his palm.

He was so hard, like a steel rod behind the fly of his jeans. Ever-so-slowly, he moved his hand up and down her leg, trailing his fingers over her jeans, and she wished she’d been smart, thought this out, and wore a damn skirt.

“You don’t want me to stop?” he murmured against her lips, and she shook her head.

I don’t want you to stop.

“Then I won’t,” he groaned, and fireworks exploded inside her to the point she writhed beneath him, rubbed her pussy against his cock, and told him without words to go further.


Reese started a slow and steady rock against her, driving her lust higher, making her ache in places she didn’t even know existed.

I want more. I need it.

Keira found herself reaching between them, her hands going for the button of her jeans, popping it free. She'd never been so wild, free, and abandoned with her desire before.

She’d never done this.

Keira shifted, pushing her pants off one leg, not sure what she was doing or how far she’d go, but all the while, Reese kissed her, devoured her mouth until she was frantic for him. She found herself straddling him, the feel of his hardness causing even more wetness to spill from her. She was ready for him, and Keira knew if things went all the way, she wouldn’t try to stop it.

She was crazed at this moment, so hungry for Reese she tasted him on her tongue, smelled him in her nose, and felt him on every single inch of her body.

They tilted their heads at the same time, their tongues delving deeper until she felt like she was lost in everything that was Reese.

“You taste so good, Keira.” He trailed his lips over her jaw and down her neck to where her pulse beat frantically. He continued a slow, steady press of his hardness against her, lifting his hips at the same time she pressed down on him.

Could he feel how wet she was, her arousal soaking through the material?

His fingers slid down her hips, over her outer thighs, twisting slightly and moving back up her inner thighs. The digits rested at the edge of her panties, not moving, just rubbing back and forth along her skin, causing her inner muscles to clench.

“Touch me, Reese.”

He groaned against her neck, his body tense and his breathing ragged. “I am touching you, baby.” His words sounded distorted, his body harder than she’d ever felt before.

Her breasts ached, felt heavy, her nipples sensitive as they pressed against the material of her bra. Keira was desperate as she pressed the mounds against his chest, the peaks aching, feeling tight.

“Tell me to stop, Keira,” he said, but he moved his fingers below the edge of her panties, now almost touching the most sensitive, intimate part of her.

“I don’t want you to stop.”

He let out a stuttering breath and moved his fingers closer inward until he was slipping his fingertips along her wet slit. She bit her lip hard enough she tasted the metallic tang of blood.

“That good?” he questioned deeply against the side of her throat, his voice strained.

She nodded, not trusting herself to say anything. He slid the digits up her slit and to her clit, rubbing the engorged bud back and forth, causing her body to shake involuntarily as pleasure the likes of which she’d never felt slammed into her.

She should have felt mortified by the way she twisted her hips and ground herself on his hand, but the pleasure was too much, too intense, that she didn’t care. She wanted to give all of herself over to Reese.

The images moving in her head like a reel had her pleasure increasing. What would it feel like when he slid all those hard inches into her? There was no denying he was big all around, and what he packed between his thighs was no exception. It would hurt, she was sure of that, but never in her life had she wanted pain like she did for that.

“Christ, you’re so fucking wet for me.” He slid his lips along Copyright 2016 - 2024