She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,3

pretty strong feeling inside her, enough that she couldn’t get her face to stop feeling like it was on fire.

Was that the first time he caught her? Probably not, because she felt like there was this magnet and she couldn’t help but be drawn to him. It was insane. They didn’t even know each other, and never even said one word to the other. But there was… something about Reese Trenton that had every impure thought filling her head.

She didn’t miss the way the other females in the room were just as transfixed by him as she was. How could they not be? He was not only gorgeous, but smart as hell. But of course the rumors about his home life were what filtered through the school, the fact that everyone thought of him and his family as trash. The fact that they said he was a charity case.

But she didn’t care about any of that.

She’d met more trash at Black Mountain than anywhere else.

She found herself searching for him when she couldn’t find him in the kitchen, and saw him out through the patio doors, smoking a joint. He was tall, dark, and mysterious, his black hair, olive skin, and black eyes making her think maybe he had Italian in him.

Keira forced herself to finish the beer and found herself going back to the kitchen for another. It wasn’t that she needed it or even wanted another one, but she already felt the heat from the alcohol and wanted it to last. It made her feel like she didn’t stand out so much.

There were a few people waiting in line for another drink, the person at the front of the line doing a keg stand as everyone chanted and cheered.

The sliding patio door opened, and she glanced over to see Sebastien Van Cleeve walk in.

One of the richest students at school.

A certified psycho.

One of the “untouchables.”

Everyone who wasn’t part of his clique looked away, not wanting to make eye contact. They parted like he was oil and they were water. He walked by her, this blast of cold air leaving him and surrounding everything and everyone in the kitchen, leaving this icy touch that could have frozen limbs off.

Everything about him and his crew seemed fake to her, like they had their own secrets, their own hidden agendas.

Once he was out of the kitchen, she could literally feel the air lighten, as if his very presence was suffocating. The next two people got their beers just as Genevieve Montgomery walked in.

Queen bee.

Head cheerleader.

Bit of a bitch, if Keira was being honest.

But she supposed you had to be slightly cunty at her social status. She cut in front of the line, grabbed a beer, and walked away as if she had some kind of VIP pass to tell everyone “fuck you.”

God, I hate these people.

And she did. If she had a choice, she would have gone to a public school, not something as prestigious as Black Mountain. But she came from money, and because her parents had a high-class social standing, the circles they ran in were unfortunately with these types of people.

She finally got another beer and made her way back to the living room, where Molly was standing with a group of people. Keira saw Molly laughing at something Michael “Big Mike” Huntington said, the jock easy on the eyes, but his personality could lean toward the asshole side at times.

She stood by Molly, and her friend glanced at her, giving her a wide smile before turning her attention back to Mike.

Keira didn’t know how long she stood there, the noise fading in the distance, and she thought about how she was ready to go if she didn’t have Reese to stare at. This was not her scene.

And then as if her thoughts conjured the very boy himself, Reese came into the living room. His eyes were red-rimmed, his gaze kind of glossy-looking. A combination from the booze and weed, no doubt. She shouldn’t stare, especially not after he caught her, but she couldn’t help herself.

She wanted him in the worst kind of way.

Everything about him turned her on, the pull she felt toward him so strong Keira felt her body heat to embarrassing levels. He was so different than these rich pricks. His clothes weren’t designer, his car not a luxury one. He wasn’t born with a silver spoon shoved in his mouth, wasn’t handed everything to him like he deserved it. His hands looked stained with Copyright 2016 - 2024