She's Mine - Jenika Snow Page 0,11

BMW glance their way then promptly start to snicker.

No doubt, there had been texts, phone calls, and a parade of gossip over the weekend.

“Don’t worry about them. They are nothing but a bunch of rich, stuck-up bitches,” Molly said and took Keira’s hand, giving it a light squeeze. “Don’t show your fear,” Molly joked. “They can smell it.”

Keira chuckled and exhaled roughly. “Okay, let’s get this over with.”

They climbed out of the car, and the sensation of stares was a physical touch. They made their way to the front of the school, but Ian’s voice stopped them.

Keira glanced at Molly and saw how tense she’d become. What in the hell is going on with them?

Ian jogged up to them, and although he smiled, Keira didn’t miss the tightness around his mouth as he glanced at Molly.

“Hey, I tried calling you Sunday to hang out, but you didn’t answer,” he said, directing the question at Keira.

After the party, all Keira had wanted to do was hunker down and sift through her feelings.

“Yeah, I saw. Sorry I didn’t call you back. I wasn’t feeling very well.” It wasn’t too much of a lie. She wasn’t feeling well, but it was all in her head.

He nodded, but his focus was on Molly. “Hey. How are you?” Ian, with his blond hair and brown eyes, had the boy next door look going for him. He was also a genuinely nice guy, unlike most of the assholes they went to school with. He was also incredibly smart, especially in the computer department.

His good looks got him enough female attention, but his book smarts tended to keep him out of the popular category with the guys.

Molly refused to look at him, and Keira was too tired and conflicted with her own shit that she wasn’t about to touch on that subject right now.

“Yeah, okay,” Keira said, feeling the tension growing between them. Maybe they needed to talk this out alone. “I’ll meet up with you guys in English Comp.”

“I’ll go with you,” Molly said tightly.

“Can we talk, Molly? Please?” There was a pleading tone to Ian’s voice.

And the look in Molly’s face told Keira now was the time to go.

She made her way inside, and a look over her shoulder showed Molly waving her hands furiously between her and Ian. Facing forward, she kept her head down and walked faster, aware of the students staring at her and whispering to each other.

She entered the school, the sound of lockers being slammed shut and voices raised in conversation surrounding her. It was white, red, and black as far as the eye could see, the uniforms they were required to wear at BMA making them all look like lemmings on any given day.

She started rummaging through her bag for a second then glanced up and felt her step falter when she noticed Reese right away. He closed his locker and turned, facing her, their eyes locking.

It was this weird moment where everything felt thick, where time seemed to stand still. And then Nate was in front of Reese, cutting off their eye contact and the spell Keira felt wash over her.

The bathroom. That’s where Keira found herself after she put her books she wouldn’t need right away in her locker. It was a reprieve before first period, when no doubt the hushed murmurs would commence before someone outright said whatever was floating around about her.

The bathroom was thankfully empty when she entered, and she set her bag down and rested her hands on the edge of the sink. She stared at herself in the mirror and sighed, because… well, she didn’t know why.

That’s a lie.

She was plain. In every sense of the word. And she wouldn’t even be on the radar for a guy like Reese.

But I had been. He’d come to my defense.

She closed her eyes and shook her head. He was a good guy; that was all. Nothing like the snobs who went to school here who would have seen a fight or assault and grabbed a beer to watch the show.

Reese would have helped anyone if they were in trouble. But these feelings she had for him weren’t sane. They didn’t feel normal, like a passing crush. He consumed her thoughts, made her body feel things it never had before. And he’d never even touched her, yet she lit up when he was around.

She opened her eyes and bent to grab her bag, when the bathroom door opened and a few girls walked in. Their Copyright 2016 - 2024