Time Untime(91)

"Did you know about this?" Urian asked her.

"Kind of, but it's more impressive in live action."

And it was.

Until a bad feeling went through her. He is the Thunderbird....

She didn't know where that thought came from, but in her mind, she saw him as the destroyer of legend. While thunderbirds could be protective, they were also known to unleash their wrath against the world and to tear it apart. They destroyed everyone and everything in their path. That was why her father had placed a thunderbird on Ren's necklace that denoted him as a Guardian.

Cabeza fell back to their position. "We're in trouble."

Jess gave him a doubting grin. "How you figure?"

"The pendajo fighting Ren is Chamer. He's the husband to Ixtab. The suicide goddess."

Kateri started forward, but couldn't go far before the force field cut her off. "We have to help him."

"Help who?" Urian asked. "From where I'm standing, Ren's winning."

And if he was fighting a regular demon, she might believe it. But this was a god.

He's going to die.... She could feel it with every part of her.

Ren staggered back as Chamer kicked him hard in the chest. What the god didn't know was that it didn't hurt. The beauty about this brand of armor was that it drew power from hatred and malice. The more the god sought to hurt him, the stronger the armor made Ren. And the weaker the god would become.

"You will never leave here," Chamer snarled. "All of you belong to us now."

Ren laughed. "Do you know what happens to a god when you kill him? You gain his powers."

Chamer attacked him again.

Ren met him stroke for stroke without hesitation.

The god tried to blast him.

Ren arched one brow. "Are you done?"

"You should be in pieces. I don't understand."

Ren grabbed him by the throat. "Then let me explain the rules. We both draw demonic powers. And because yours are demonic in origin, they make me all the stronger. So summon every god here. Let me drink of their powers until I'm drunk from it." He laughed evilly. Then he sank his teeth into the neck of the god and drank his blood.

Kateri went cold at the sight. "Is he supposed to do that?"

"No," the three of them said in unison.

Cabeza slid his gaze to the other two men. "One of us should go and break that up, I think."

Urian clapped him on the back. "By all means. Go for it."

Sundown handed his gun to Kateri.

"What are you doing?" Urian asked.

"I don't want Ren to shoot me with my own weapon. If he goes for my throat, I'm expecting one of you to grow a set and pull him off me." Sundown headed to Ren.

At his approach, Ren raised his head and licked his bloody lips. His eyes glowed a deep, scary red.

"Why don't you go ahead and let the not so nice god go, Ren?"