Time Untime(16)

Mother of the Apocalypse ...

Well, of course, honey. Come on up and claim your prize.

Life was so unfair. And just once, Kateri would like to see the bad-luck fairy prey on someone else. Preferably not someone she liked, but still ...

Was the bitch bored today? Or could she really not find another victim?

"We also have a bigger problem," Cabeza said to Talon.

By all means, let's pile it on.

Talon stepped back. "Dare I ask?"

Cabeza snorted. "I wouldn't. But unfortunately, you need to know that someone unearthed the Seal of the Anikutani."

Talon gave him a dark scowl. "You say that like I should know what you're talking about."

Cabeza mumbled under his breath. "It's a ... kala kratu ... A..." He paused, struggling to find the right word. "How you say in English? Guard stone? Spell stone? Not the right word, but you know what I mean. It was placed over the tomb where the last seven Anikutani warriors were imprisoned. Now that it's uncovered, anyone can summon them back to this world. Whoever does such, they owe a favor to, and they will do what he commands them to. Then they will breach the gates and fight with the evil they unleash. You see the problem now, Celt? Chacu knows the seal is missing and he knows what that seal is."

Kateri cursed at that knowledge. No wonder Chacu had been so interested in the calendar when he'd seen it on her table. Why did she feel like she was suddenly in a horror movie?

Cabeza grabbed her arm and pulled her in to Talon. "Take her and go. We have to get her to her stone and then to safety so that she can seal the gates again."

"What about you?" Talon asked.

Someone should bottle Cabeza's evil laughter for a haunted house. It would definitely put the fear of death into any living being. "I live to fight, m'ijo. If they're dumb enough to come back, I have some questions I want answered and I'm sure I can pound it out of them.... Adios."

Talon inclined his head to him. "A beber y a tragar, que el mundo se va a acabar."

Cabeza was less than amused. "You're a cold bastard, Celt. Hombre prevenido, vale por dos." With that said, he walked backward, out of the room.

Kateri arched a brow at Talon. "I understood your 'Eat, drink, and be merry 'cause we're dying tomorrow.' But what did he say back to you?"

"One man forewarned is worth two. Now let's get you-"

Before he could finish that sentence, something dark pooled around her. Eyes wide, she reached for Talon, who lunged toward her.

He didn't make it.

Just as her fingertips brushed his, she was sucked into some kind of spiraling vortex. Nausea rose up as she sank downward. I am not Dorothy. But if someone dropped a house on her, she was going to be even more put out than the Wicked Witch had been.

Fear me....

At least that was her thought until she slammed hard into utter darkness. There was no light whatsoever. The blackness was so thick it made her eyes hurt as she strained to see something. Anything. Pushing herself up from the earthen ground where she'd landed, she tried to get her bearings.

A low whine sounded in the distance.

Her mind struggled to name it. Dog? Child? She couldn't tell for sure. She started to call out, then stopped herself. Just in case something meant her harm, the last thing she wanted to do was let it know where she was.

I've seen that horror movie a few times. That stupid puta always buys it first.

At least I don't have on high heels or a short skirt. Screaming or not, that character always died.

She reached out with her arms, trying to find a wall or furniture or-

"Ow! Son of a..." She pressed her lips together as she reached down to rub her shin. Surely, there had to be another purpose to that body part other than finding furniture in the dark.

Only she hadn't hit furniture, she realized as she explored the hard surface with her hand. It felt more like rock.