Time Untime(103)

Cursing, Ren grabbed Kateri and pulled her behind him. His eyes turned vivid red as his armor reappeared. His hands exploding into fireballs, as he faced what must be another demon.

Ash, Urian, and Cabeza, however, didn't react to this new presence at all. Except for Ash who reached out to lower Ren's arm. "Stand down."

"He's a demon. High level."

Ash gave him a bland stare. "Yeah, well, his highest level is functioning as a perpetual pain in my ass." He turned his attention to the newcomer. "What do you want, Nick?"

Kateri wasn't sure what to make of this man. At least six foot four, he had a bow-and-arrow mark on his left cheek that was identical to the one Ren had on his hip. But even with that mark, he was incredibly handsome.

"I was asked to come here."

"By whom?"


Ren exchanged a bemused frown with Kateri. "Why would she ask that of you?"

A wry, evil smile curled his lips. "I am a messenger, after all. It's what I was created to do."

The way he said that shivers over her. And in that moment, she flashed to Nick's real form. His skin should be black and red, with glowing eyes and gold armor. In his true body, he was a winged demon. One of the highest level. He was evil in its purest, rawest form.

And she didn't trust him even the slightest bit.

Ash shifted his weight to one foot and assumed a total power stance that said, boy, don't make me kick your ass all the way to the state line. 'Cause I will. And no, you won't enjoy it. "You still haven't answered my question. What are you doing here? And to stop the semantics game ... what missions or message did Artie put you on?"

"I'm to protect Artemis's blood and make sure the gates stay sealed tonight."

Acheron appeared stunned by those words. "Really?" His tone dripped with sarcasm. "I would think you'd have a vested interest in seeing them opened."

Nick snorted. "You don't know me as well as you think you do."

Acheron swept his gaze over them. "Guys? Will you give us the room, please?"

One by one, they filed out.

Ash didn't speak until he was alone with Nick and he was sure none of the others could hear their discussion. "Cut the shit, boy. I know what you want, and why you want it, and you can't have it."

Nick rolled his eyes. "I'm tired of fighting with you, Ash. I know what you think of me and I really don't care. But let me tell you a few things you don't know about me, Lord Omniscient to most. You've asked why I'm with Artemis. It's the one place I can go where Stryker can't see through my eyes. Well ... he could see, if he wanted, but since the sight of his aunt sickens him, he withdraws from me the minute I enter her temple. And I finally have a modicum of peace."

Damn. Nick did have it bad if dealing with Artemis's tantrums and moods was his idea of serenity. Ash almost felt bad for the Cajun. "There are ways of blocking him."

"No, there's not. Not the way your mother has him trained. Thanks for that, by the way. You could have slaughtered Stryker and you passed."

Ash shrugged. "I could have slaughtered you, too."

"Can't tell you how much I appreciate that kindness."

Ash took a step toward him. "Nick-"

"Don't Nick me. You have no right. You brought back Amanda and Kyrian. You left my mother dead."

Ash winced at a truth that burned him as much as it burned Nick. "I know. But I couldn't bring her back, Nick. Not really."

"Because she didn't want to be here anymore. I know. She was sick of her God-awful life and happy to be dead. You felt sorry for her and so you left her dead to keep her from suffering. Thanks for the consideration. I deeply appreciate it, cher."

Ash heard the anguish underneath those words and it scorched him. At one time, he and Nick had been best friends.

No, they'd been closer than that. He considered Nick his brother, and he hated to see Nick in this much pain. "Your mother loved you. You were her life."