The Dark Side of the Moon(66)

Dorian refused.

Ravyn shook his head at his brother while he struggled against Dorian. "Instead of bitching about what you lost, little boy, you should be damned grateful for what you had. You had almost a hundred years with Georgette. One. Hundred. Years. I didn't even get a day with Isabeau as my true mate and I've had nothing since then. So screw you, crybaby."

Phoenix lunged again, only to have Dorian catch him and pin him to the wall.

"Get out, Ravyn," Dorian said, his voice thick.

Ravyn stared at the twins. At one time in his life, he'd have died for them. Growing up, they had been more than just his brothers, they had been his best friends. The loss of that friendship still bothered him, but he'd learned to stop caring. Obviously he had never meant as much to them as they had to him.

"I'm going, Dorian, but I will be back."

Phoenix cursed as Dorian's face hardened. "You'll have to find someplace else to stay. "

Ravyn shook his head. "There is nowhere else until I get this settled and you know it. By the Omegrion's law, you have to welcome me even if it sticks in your craw. "

"I hate you!" Phoenix shouted. "You come back here and I'll kill you, you bastard."

"Take a number."

Dorian let out a tired breath as Ravyn took Susan's hand and led her to the door.

Susan didn't know what to say or do as they left the building and headed to the alley in the back. She could sense the pain inside Ravyn even though he was trying hard to hide it with an angry facade. Not that she blamed him. Given what she'd heard, she couldn't imagine how betrayed he must feel over his family's actions. How could they have turned on him like that?

Without breaking stride, Ravyn headed straight for a gray Porsche with tinted windows. Susan frowned as he opened his palm, waved it in a circle, and the door popped open.

"This may be an odd question, but whose car are we stealing?"

He didn't look up as he got into the car. "Phoenix's."

"How do you know it's his?"

"Look at the plate."

She did and sure enough, it had his name on it along with a bumper sticker for the club. Strangely amused, she got in. "Don't you think this is going to piss him off? "

"God, I hope so," Ravyn said in a sincere tone. "Otherwise it defeats the purpose of taking it. "

"Won't he call the cops?"

"Nope. It would violate sanctuary. So let him simmer, we have a place to visit. Besides the cops won't recognize the car and the tinted windows will keep us hidden."

She shook her head at him as they buckled up. "I know it's a bit nosy-"

"A reporter being nosy? Damn, there's something you never see."

She ignored his sarcasm as he started the car without a key. That man had some eerie powers when they were working properly. "Yeah, back to my question. Why is your family in Seattle when it's obvious they don't want to be around you?"

Okay, that hadn't come out the way she meant for it to. Funny, it'd sounded much nicer in her head.

Ravyn cut an aggravated stare at her before he pulled out of the alley. "The Omegrion dictates where sanctuaries are to be set up, which means they didn't have a choice. If they wanted to be a sanctuary it was Seattle or nothing since this is where one was needed."

She considered that. "Why did they want to be a sanctuary?"

"I imagine it had to do with seeing most of our clan annihilated. A lot of my people tend to set them up whenever they're on the brink of extinction. It's a way of keeping our enemies at bay long enough for us to regain our numbers."

That made sense to her. "What about you? How did you end up here?"

"I was already here when they arrived. They just didn't know it. Acheron assigned me to this region almost two hundred years ago because it had enough open land to let me take on my cat form whenever I wanted, and Cael requested I get transferred with him. He didn't like the idea of coming out here solo."