The Dark Side of the Moon(51)

That had to stink. She couldn't even begin to wrap her mind around that concept. "So they live for eternity, but they're never allowed to have a significant other of any kind?"

"That's the deal."

"That sucks."

"Yeah," Otto agreed. "It does, but as Ash would say, when you sign with the devil, you're bound to get burned. "


"The Dark-Hunter leader, Acheron."

She remembered reading about him earlier. Although there wasn't much on him other than he was rather eccentric and hard for a Squire to get ahold of. "How old is he?"

"Eleven thousand plus years."

Her jaw dropped as she imagined a shriveled up old man who looked like Merlin from a King Arthur movie. "That's a long time to putter about."

"Yeah," Otto said with a light laugh, "it is."

They fell silent as Susan ran all of the information through her mind, but honestly at this point, she was beginning to have information overload.

She slowed as they neared the Serengeti.

Otto cursed as he realized her destination. "You can't take him in there again, Susan. "

She parked on the curb, near the back door. "You got a better idea?"

She expected him to argue. Instead, he held a hand up to tell her to wait, while he pulled out his phone and pressed a button.

"Hey, where are you?" He looked up at her as he listened. "We're right behind the club with Ravyn. He's down for the count. Care to come out here and lend me a hand getting him inside?" He held the phone away from his ear and she heard the commotion from the other end before he pressed it back to his head. "I know, but where else can we take him?" He paused. "Yeah, I'll see you in a sec."

Susan leaned over the seat. "Was that Kyl?"

"Yes, and for the record, he thinks you're insane, too."

"Oh, goodie. But I guess that's only fair since I think he's psychotic."

Otto's eyes sparked. "No thinking about it, he is psychotic. Which makes him great in a fight. C'mon, let's get this over with."

Susan looked around the darkened street before she got out. The back door of the club opened to show Kyl joining them. Susan held open the car door so that he and Otto could get Ravyn out. The two of them had to struggle under the weight of him and they weren't exactly gentle. In fact, they banged his head on the roof, trying to get him out.

She cringed in sympathy. "That'll leave a mark I have no intention of explaining."

Otto gave her a harsh glare as he grunted. Leo parked Ravyn's car near theirs, then went to hold the back door open.

Kyl staggered forward with Ravyn between him and Otto. "What happened to him?"

"We have no idea," Susan said as she shut the car door. "The Daimons hit him with some kind of trank."

Kyl paused for an instant until Otto dragged Ravyn forward. "I didn't know a Dark-Hunter could go down on a trank."

Otto gave him a dry stare. "Well, we learn something new every day."

Susan stood back as they reached the door to give them enough room to get inside.

They'd barely gotten in the back of the building before their route was blocked off by Ravyn's father.

"What the hell is this?" he growled angrily.