The Dark Side of the Moon(43)

"Neither do I," Susan said firmly.

Leo held his hand up. "For the record, I do."

When Otto scowled at him, Leo rolled his eyes. "It was a joke, Carvalleti. Get a sense of humor."

"I'd really rather not, and don't pull a Gilligan on me. I tend to shoot Gilligans."

Leo flipped him off. "Don't worry. I'm in for the long haul."

Ravyn made a sound of disgust. "Fine. Your deaths are your own business. Just remember I told you how not to be a Gilligan." He tucked his knife into his pants at the small of his back.

They walked around to the front. The brick building was just over a hundred years old. Painted baby blue with black windows that had been decorated with vintage hippie symbols, it looked like a million other college clubs. This early, it wasn't particularly busy as people milled around the front, chatting and panhandling.

There was a cafe and bookstore, Ravenna Third Place Books and Honey Bear Bakery, next door that had a much larger crowd of people. Unlike the club, it was bright and inviting. There was an air of sex and seediness that clung to the Happy Hunting Ground, but then maybe that was what appealed to the regulars.

Trying not to think about how many people had lost their lives because they'd foolishly ventured here for a drink with their friends or a one-night stand, Ravyn opened the door of the club and came face-to-face with a huge Apollite who was waiting in a small foyer area to check IDs. He stood at least six foot seven and had to weigh a minimum of three hundred pounds. It wasn't often he had to look up at anyone.

Damn. As a rule, Apollites were taller than most humans, but due to their liquid diet, they were usually lean. The Apollites here could easily rent this guy out as a major bruiser...

Or a Macy's Thanksgiving Day float-except the sunlight would kill him. Then again, float and fireworks. You couldn't beat that.

The Apollite tensed as soon as he saw them. "What do you want here, Dark-Hunter?"

"Just came to see a friend. "

The Apollite moved to block his access to the club. "You ain't got no friends here."

Ravyn gave him a withering stare. "I better have at least one."

Still the Apollite wouldn't let him pass. "Then you can call him on the phone. Your kind isn't welcome here."

"Does that go for Cael, too?"

The Apollite's face turned to stone. "He's none of your business. Now leave."

Ravyn started past him only to have the Apollite take a swing. He ducked the blow, then added one of his own. The Apollite staggered back.

Out of nowhere three more Apollites appeared. They formed a line between him and the second door that led to the club. "You're not wanted here, Dark-Hunter. Go home."

"Not until I see Cael."

Otto swung open a butterfly knife. "You know, you guys have a pathetically short life. It'd be a shame to lose even one day of it."

"Put that away!" an extremely attractive blond woman said as she came around the bouncers. She was dressed in a lime green go-go outfit, complete with white vinyl ankle boots and white lipstick. Unlike the men, she didn't bother to hide her fangs while she spoke. "No weapons are tolerated in this club, ever."

She gave Otto, Leo, Susan, and Ravyn a scathing glare. "Why are you here?"

Ravyn took a deep breath for patience. "I'm really getting tired of saying this. I want to see Cael and if I have to say that one more time, I'm going to start Daimon-killing practice on the whole lot of you."

The Apollite woman crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm sure he doesn't want to see you."

Otto narrowed his gaze on the woman. "I think he's already dead, Ravyn."

"He's not dead," the woman said, her tone offended. "But you've got no business here with him. He didn't put you on the guest list and the last time we checked, he wasn't exactly social with the lot of you. How do we know you're friends of his?"

Ravyn gave her a toxic look of his own. "Enemies don't come in the front door, baby."

The bruiser said something to her in Apollite. She looked a little nervous as she glanced at Ravyn. "Smart enemies might. For all I know, you're not as dumb as you appear. Maybe you're here to kill Cael."