The Dark Side of the Moon(16)

He glanced over to the clock on the wall. It was just after four in the afternoon.

"Dammit, Erika, where are you? You're not in class and you should be home studying with your phone turned on. It's me and I need you to bring me some clothes and come pick me up pronto. Call me back for directions." Disgusted with his wayward Squire, he hit theCANCEL button.

He dialed Acheron's number.

Yet another voice mail. Great, just great. He really hated these things. Hanging up, he growled deep in his throat.

He considered calling the other Seattle Dark-Hunters and warning them about the Apollite uprising but decided it would wait a bit. Either they were safe at home or they were dead. If the latter, then there wasn't anything he could do for them.

He glanced at the woman who was still watching him with a strange look of perturbance. "I don't suppose you have some clothes I could borrow, do you?"

"Sorry. Extra-large male isn't my specialty. Besides, can't you just poof some clothes on?"

"Not at the moment."

She gave him an arch look. "Let me guess, you need to recharge your batteries or something, right?"

She was eerily astute. "Yes."

The disbelief on her face was almost comical. "I do have some pink sweats that might not be too bad."

"I'd rather go naked."

"Suit yourself. Not like it bothers me."

"Then we're even." Like patience, modesty had never been his virtue. But one thing he did hate was being around people he didn't know. Then again, he didn't like being around people he did know, either. He much preferred solitude-it couldn't betray him.

She cocked her head. "So how long have you known Leo, anyway?"

"Leo who?"


He frowned at her. He'd known Leo vicariously for years. Like his Squire substitute, Erika, Leo was one of the humans who served the Dark-Hunters. Paid employees, they helped to keep the paranormal world hidden from the rest of mankind, who would most likely panic if they ever learned what inhuman beasts prowled the night, waiting to prey on them. "Are you a Squire?"

"No, I'm a Michaels."

He rolled his eyes. She had to be the biggest smart-ass on the planet; well, maybe second only to Erika. "That's not what I mean and you know it. Do you work with Leo?"

"Of course I do. Why else would you be here?"

Ravyn nodded. It explained her snotty attitude. For some reason, the latest generation of Squires seemed to have a problem with their duties. "Why didn't you tell me you worked for him?"

"I assumed you knew it."

"Yeah, right. The way you guys come and go, it's impossible to remember more than one or two of you at a time."

She nodded in agreement. "Leo does have a way of burning people out. So how did he talk you into this?"

"Into what?"

"Showing up here, naked to yank my chain."

Yeah... like Leo could have ever done that. "He didn't. I assumed he sent you to me to get me out of the shelter."

"I guess in a roundabout way he did. So tell me something, how did you do that earlier trick?"

Ravyn grimaced. "What trick?"