The Dark Side of the Moon(109)

And Ash knew the instant Nick saw him. The hatred went up his spine like an electric shock.

Dreading the encounter, Ash turned to find Nick standing just behind him. Gone was the good friend who used to tease and laugh with him and in his place was an enemy Ash knew was plotting his death even while he faced him.

Nick's face was completely stoic. "Well, look who the leopards dragged in. I'm surprised you bothered."

"Hi, Nick."

"Fuck you." Nick knocked back his glass of whiskey, then glared at it. "You know what I hate most about being a Dark-Hunter?"

"The fact you can't get drunk?"

Nick put the glass on the tray of a waitress who was passing by. "It's having to deal with you."

Ash shook his head. It was still too soon for this. Nick needed more time. "I'll catch you later."

Nick grabbed Ash's arm as he started away and spun him around to face him. "You'll catch me now, you bastard."

Before Ash could move, Nick punched him in the jaw. He staggered back from the force of it. And if Nick had been paying attention, he would have realized something significant. Ash didn't feel the blow he'd just been given. Dark-Hunters couldn't strike each other. But then Ash wasn't like the others.

His first instinct was to strike Nick back, but Ash caught himself before he did more damage to the Cajun. The crowd around them cut them a wide berth as people moved to get away, while the Weres looked around in nervous debate about whether or not they should come between two Dark-Hunters, or more importantly, if they should interfere with Ash.

Nick's face was contorted by rage. "How could you destroy New Orleans?"

Ash frowned at him. "What?"

"You heard me. Wasn't it enough that you killed me? Did you have to punish all my friends and family, too?"

"Nick, get a grip."

He shoved Ash back, into a table. "I've just spent the last few hours looking at the pictures... at the people. You could have stopped it and you didn't. "

Ash felt his anger snapping. They were drawing way too much attention here in the bar. "You don't know what you're talking about."

Nick was relentless as he stalked Ash. "Yes, I do. I know what you are. You brought Kyrian and Amanda back from the dead. You saved their baby from the Daimons and you did nothing to help my mother. You claim you loved New Orleans and yet you did nothing to help the city when she needed you most. "

"That's not true, Nick. I was there and I did what I could. But even I have limits and rules about what I can and can't do. My God, you were like a brother to me. How can you think that I'd ever do anything to hurt you?"

"You killed me, remember?"

"No. I've loved you and your mother like I've never loved another human being in my entire life. I never wanted to see the two of you hurt. "

"Bullshit! One snap of your fingers and you could have deflected the storm. Talon could have deflected it. You refused to let him, didn't you?"

Ash shook his head. Fate wasn't that easy to control. "It's not that simple."

"It is that simple." He shoved Ash again.

The people in the bar were getting restless now, especially the Weres. Nick was drawing way too much attention to them and he was speaking of things that no one was supposed to talk about.

"Lay off me, Nick. I mean it."

Nick grabbed Ash by the front of his coat and pulled him close enough that he could whisper in his ear. "Or what? You'll kill me again?" He laughed at that as if it amused him greatly.

Letting go, Nick stepped back and smoothed Ash's lapels. "You know, I'm sorry. I'm forgetting all the manners my mother tried so hard to teach me." He narrowed his eyes meaningfully. "How's Simi doing? Has she picked up any new guys lately?"

That succeeded in breaking the hold Ash had on his temper. He bellowed in rage as he felt himself slipping. Throwing his head back, he froze everyone in the bar. Everyone. They stood silently in place as the music continued to play while he and Nick faced each other. Not as friends. As enemies.

Nick's face actually paled as he saw Ash's true form.