
Styxx met his gaze without flinching. "Nay, Sire. Why would I?"

"And what did you say to your mother and sister?"

"I merely remarked on the irony of Matisera teaching Ryssa about men when she knows nothing of us. And how the part of me that truly offends them most is my penis."

His mother gestured angrily at him. "You see how he treats us."

For once, his father laughed. "He speaks the truth. I shan't punish him for that."

His mother's eyes flared before she stepped forward and slapped Styxx where his face was already bruised.

Styxx tasted blood from his lips as the cuts there were reopened.

"I weep over the day I birthed you." She raked his father with a sneer before she stormed off with Ryssa trailing behind her.

"Ignore them, boy. Women only have two uses. In the bed and as bargaining tools. Other than that, you'd do well to avoid them. And speaking of, I paid off another of your whores earlier while you were out."

"Excuse me?"

"One of the serving wenches came to me with a daughter she claims is yours. Have no fear, I've set them up for you and they won't be back to plague you."

Styxx ground his teeth. "It's not mine."

His father laughed. "Of course it is. Don't worry. I'm not angry. It happens. I can't even begin to catalogue all the bastards I have. The trick is to send them far enough away so that neither you nor your sons accidentally tup one of your bastard daughters."

Styxx shook his head in disbelief of his father's nonchalance over something he found highly offensive. And the fact that his father had paid off some unknown woman while he was virgin still ...

Well, not technically after Estes and the animals he traveled with. Yet even with the servants and others throwing themselves at him for the last few years, he had yet to sleep with a woman. Any woman. He hadn't even kissed one. He'd been too afraid of embarrassing himself with his inexperience.

And now ... he had no desire to be with one who might uncover his brand.

Not to mention, after having been abused himself, he wasn't about to bed with someone who had no authority to turn him down. The last thing he wanted was to have sex with someone who didn't want to be with him.

His father clapped him lightly on the shoulder. "Go clean yourself and rest in peace. I'll see you at dinner."

Styxx bowed slightly before he went to his room and shut the door. He didn't know what hurt most. The fact that his own mother despised him for things he hadn't done or the fact that the only thing his father took pride in was something he hadn't done.

Hissing in pain, he quickly sat on his bed as his feet began to burn. Acheron was being caned there. He knew it. While his own feet had never been struck, he'd taken a cane across his buttocks enough to recognize the sensation.

Damn you, Estes.

At least this time he was alone so that he could deal with the pain and not have to pretend he felt nothing. Sitting down, he pressed his feet flush to the floor. As he moved, he caught the scent of lilies and eucalyptus.


He closed his eyes and summoned an image of her beautiful face and gentle touch. The sound of her voice as she sang to him. For the first time in his life, he knew exactly what he wanted.

And his perfect woman had the most beautiful of names.

* * *

"What are you doing?"

Bethany paused at the sound of Archon's voice behind her. Shedding her human skin, she turned to glare at the king of the Atlantean gods. Just over seven feet in height, he thought every member of his pantheon should bow down before him.

But it wasn't in Bethany to cow before anyone. Even a gorgeous golden god-king. "I suggest a new tone for you, Archon, when you address me.... One with less bass."

"You're supposed to be looking for Apostolos!"