
"It's unnecessary." She wiggled her fingers inside his hand. "And I'm on my feet now. You can let go."

Heat exploded over his cheeks as he released her hand even though he didn't want to. "Is there any way I can thank you for your kindness today?"

She frowned. "You don't have to pay me for being kind, Hector."

"You're very different from the people I've known. They all expect some form of recompense for any charitable act."

She rose up on her tiptoes to whisper to his shoulder as opposed to his ear. "I am not one of those people. But there is one thing I think I should like."

He smiled at the sweetness of her actions. "Anything."

"So long as the sun shines, I am here at the beginning and end of every week. Should your horse ever throw you again on one of those days, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing you here as you rest on your way home."

His heart pounded at those words. "Really?"

She nodded. "I'll be here tomorrow, too."

"Then I shall be here, and I promise I won't soil your gown." He took her hand one last time and placed a chaste kiss over her knuckles. "Safe journey home, my lady."

She curtsied to him. "And to you, my lord."

His heart lighter than he could ever remember it being, Styxx swung himself up on his horse and took a moment to watch her gracefully gather together her items.

She paused. "Are you watching me, Hector?"

Her abilities amazed him. "I couldn't help myself, gentle Bethany. You are too beautiful for words and I don't just mean your face. You move with such grace and assuredness that it takes my breath."

"For a blind woman, you mean?"

"For any woman. And I meant no disrespect to you, in any way."

She smiled. "None taken."

Styxx clenched his teeth as he looked about their small clearing. "I feel terrible leaving you here alone. Are you certain you don't wish for me to take you home?"

"My father would not approve. He would want to interrogate you and I don't think you're up to that today."

And if her father saw him, he might recognize him. That could be disastrous. "Very well then. I am gone now. Until the morrow."

"Until the morrow, good Hector."

Styxx sank his hands into the mane of his horse and used his hands to guide Troian home. And with every step that put distance between them, his thoughts stayed with the most beautiful, gentle creature he'd ever met. One who was as pure and innocent as he wished he was.

You barely know her.

True, yet he wanted to know her better. No one had ever made him feel like she did. Funny and welcome. Heroic and noble, even though all he'd done was bleed all over her and sleep in her lap. How stupid was that?

Somehow she'd eased the pain in his heart and made everything better. Made him smile even when he wanted to cry. How could he leave such a miracle?

May the gods have mercy on him, he wanted her with everything he had.

What can you offer a woman so fine? You're a scarred, worthless whore. She would be horrified to know what she'd held today.

Would she have been so kind if she knew the truth of him? Or would she curl her lip and run? But she didn't know who or what he was. To her, he was just a normal man.

And to him, she was perfection.

Counting down the seconds until he could see her again, Styxx dismounted in the drive then slowly climbed the palace stairs.