
"Fuck you, Acheron!"

"Why not? You're the only one who hasn't."

Styxx scoffed. "Not according to Estes."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Unable to even contemplate that nightmare, Styxx held his hands up in surrender. "You have a weapon. Use it, if you're man enough. I'm done with you, brother. I will never again jeopardize my ass for yours. Ever."

Rising, Styxx glared down at his twin then he turned and walked away.

You can't save those who don't want to be saved.

Like Ryssa, Acheron made no sense to him. If he were Acheron and he had any chance to stay away from Atlantis, he'd take it.

But what the Hades ...

His deadline was almost up. Now Estes would have his pet back. Styxx wouldn't have to go to Atlantis in his brother's stead. He should be happy.

Yet he wasn't. How could he be happy that his brother was so terrified and beaten down that he wouldn't even try to fight anymore?

In this, no one won. Least of all Acheron.

Styxx swung himself up on his horse and took the reins of the one he'd brought for his brother. Against his will, he looked back to see Acheron lying down on the ground by the campfire as if he was completely content to go back to Estes's home.

Part of him still wanted to charge into camp and force his brother to leave. But Acheron and Estes had already shown him what that would get him in the end.


When someone is drowning and you try to save them, they're more likely to drown you before you pull them out.

Acheron had done enough damage to him. He would not allow him to do any more, no matter how much pity Styxx held for him in his heart.

"Good luck, brother. May you find peace someday."

June 23, 9532 BC

"Happy birthday, you little prick!"

His head throbbing in agony, Styxx barely had time to duck before Ryssa lobbed her gift at him. It struck the wall beside his face. "What is your problem?"

"You! Every day I have to look at you, knowing what Acheron is going through, is one I hate you more."

Styxx bent over and fished his "gift" from the floor. He held it up for her to see. "Thank you, dearest sister. I shall treasure it always, and especially the manner in which it was received."

Twisting her face up, she silently mocked his words. "You think you're so clever. You're nothing but a fatuous, spoiled brat."

"One wrapped so tight in familial love that it suffocates me," he said sarcastically.

"You absolutely disgust me. How can you stand here in your comfort while your twin suffers so?"

It wasn't easy, but Acheron had given him no choice whatsoever.

Styxx curled his lips at her. "What do you know of it?"

"I know that Estes sells him!"

Styxx froze as he saw his father nearing them. If he heard one word of this ...