
Did he?

Unable to stand it, he ran to the chest and smashed all of the finely carved horses to pieces. He stomped them on the floor until they were splintered. He didn't want to see them again. Ever!

When he came to the last whole one, he stopped. It was the horse Ryssa had given Acheron for their birthday two years back.

Will you keep it for me, Styxx? I would weep if it were lost.

Pulling it toward him, he cradled it to his chest. "I won't let it be harmed, Acheron. It will be here for your return. I promise."

No matter where they lived or how far apart, they were still brothers.

Forever and always.

June 18, 9537 BC

Four years later

Sighing heavily, Styxx picked through the merchant's wares, trying to find something his sister might like for her birthday gift. Unfortunately, Ryssa had everything imaginable.

He hesitated at a necklace.

"You don't have enough money for that, Highness."

Styxx cringed at the resonance of his valet's snide tone that gloated at being able to say that to him. Loudly. There were several snickers from nearby patrons over the comment.

Growling low, he moved away from the necklace. He hated being embarrassed. He suffered enough of that from his sister, mother, father, tutors, and trainers. The last thing he wanted was for another servant to publicly mock him, too.

Even though Styxx had asked his father for a loan, his father had adamantly refused. If you want more money, work harder for it. Something difficult to do given the magnitude of the study load he carried, the court sessions he had to attend, his war training, strategy sessions, and temple obligations.

And the small fact that he already worked an average of twenty-two hours a week ...

They just rarely paid him for it.

"They have cheaper items over here that I'm sure you can afford, Your Highness." Styxx cringed even more at his valet's snottiness.

Unwilling to be embarrassed further, Styxx left without a word.

His valet followed with the same smug stare. "Highness? You're-"

"You're dismissed," Styxx snapped at his valet as soon as they were outside the shop. "Return to the palace immediately, servant. I've had quite enough of you for one day."

"Styxx!" Ryssa barked as she happened by at just that precise moment.

Why, gods ... why?

Styxx ignored her as he refused to give in on this. It was bad enough others berated and embarrassed him all the time. He wasn't about to tolerate it in public for others to laugh at him, too. "I have my guard. You are to leave. Now!"

The valet glared at him, but he had no choice except to obey.

Ryssa grabbed Styxx's arm, sinking her nails into his flesh until he was certain he'd have half-moon cuts from it. "That was rude!"

And grabbing his arm in front of everyone wasn't? "Let me go," he growled.

She tightened her hold. "Father will have a fit if he sees you here without your valet."

"I have my guards."

She shoved him back. "Fine. I hope he catches you, you little beast. You deserve it." Without a word, she spun toward her guard and escort and left him.