
His mood darkened in the wake of her ridicule. "But they screwed your beloved Acheron. I'm surprised you're not the one calling for their deaths."

She glared at him. "They abused him because of you. Had they not hated you so, they would never have touched him."

What have I ever done to you, Ryssa? Really?

"And what do you think I did to warrant such hatred from them?"

"You're a selfish bully. You look at everyone like they're beneath you and you speak to them as if they're nothing."

Was she as insane as their mother? "I rarely speak at all. To anyone. Dear sister."

She shook her head in denial. "I don't understand you, Styxx. You're the only one Father listens to. You could help us and yet you refuse."

"And you know this how?"

"By your own admission. You say nothing. You haven't spoken up about Acheron, ever. Just as you refused to talk to Father about offering me to Apollo."

Offering her to Apollo ... she'd die to learn the truth of that.

Or worse.

She'd gloat and laugh.

Still, he knew she wasn't as selfless as she claimed. "Tell me. What bothers you most, sweet sister? Acheron's status or your own-"

She slapped him.

Styxx narrowed his gaze on her. "I'm getting tired of your blows, Ryssa."

"Then stop being such an ass."

Stop being a bitch and I might.

He wiped the blood from his lips. "Just so you know, your father doesn't listen to me any more than he listens to you."

"You're such a liar. I know better. Anything you want, he gives."

Right ...

"You have the two of us confused, sweet sister. You're the one he dotes on."

"No. I don't. I saw the way you sat complacent when he and the others told me I was to be sacrificed. You could have spoken up and I know for a fact you didn't. Not once!"

"You're right. I didn't."

"Why not?"

Honestly, it wouldn't have mattered. Apollo was the one leading this and if Styxx tried to stop it, Bethany would pay for his interference. Styxx had already killed one man to protect Ryssa. He wasn't about to cause harm to the one and only person who held his heart in her hands for a bitch who begrudged him every breath he took.

But Ryssa wouldn't care about Bethany. At all. So he used the one thing she might actually listen to. One of the main reasons he'd submitted to Apollo even though it sickened him to the core of his being.

"Because of the faces of the men I have watched the Atlanteans hack into pieces. If we can save one soldier's life by tying you to Apollo, I'm all for it."

"So it doesn't bother you at all that I, your sister, am to be used as a whore?"

Yes, it did. But her precious virginity was nothing compared to the horrors he'd seen. The horrors he and Acheron had survived. Sooner or later, she'd be given to someone. And while she wouldn't be a wife to Apollo, they weren't selling her off to a dung dealer.

Besides, her fate with Apollo was much kinder than his. At least she was a woman. Every time the Olympian came near him, he wanted to vomit and curse. To fight with every part of his abilities.