
You stupid sons of whores.

"Did something happen, my lord?" Gaius asked.

Styxx snapped his jaw closed. "We're being recalled to Greece." He enunciated each word with great irritation.

"What?" Galen roared.

Styxx handed him the scroll. "It's unanimous from all the kings. They want us back in Greece. Effective immediately. We are to abandon all future campaigns. Should we continue on, they will charge us with treason."

Galen stayed behind and sputtered indignantly while Styxx went to relay their new orders to his commanders.

He still couldn't believe it, but since all the Greek kings were in on the decision for a cease-fire, he had no choice. If he continued on, they would see his entire army slaughtered.

And his men weren't any happier about the news than either he or Galen.

Their one resounding complaint was as unanimous as the kings' decision to stop ... It's not fair that we're being penalized because the rest of the Greek forces are incompetent losers.

Styxx agreed with his men, but he couldn't say that out loud. "We are soldiers and we obey our orders."

Even when they stank to the highest point of Mount Olympus.

"But at least you'll all go home to your families now," Styxx offered as consolation.

That sent a cheer through their morose ranks. And in truth, Styxx couldn't wait to get back to Bethany. It'd been almost two years since he had last felt her hand on his face. Seen her sweet golden-green eyes as she welcomed him to her side.

Hopefully, she hadn't found another to love during his long absence.

As he returned to his tent, he felt the sun mark on his back heat up until it burned. Styxx froze.

Was Apollo here? Or another demon, perhaps? Why else would the mark do that? Glancing about, he pushed aside his fear. They were going home. Why attack them now?

But then why did the gods do anything they did?

"I hate you bastards," he snarled under his breath to the gods. "All you've ever done is screw up my life. I wish every one of you was gone."

And Styxx hoped that he never had to see another god in the flesh as long as he lived.

August 31, 9530 BC

Galen reined his horse and smiled. "Smell that delicious olive-scented air, my lord ... we're back in Greece."

Styxx snorted at Galen's uncharacteristic enthusiasm. "I think battle might have addled your brains. It smells no different to me."

"Of course it does!"

Styxx scoffed, "I could be wrong, but I really don't think the wind stops at our borders."

Galen tsked at him. "Such patriotism from an esteemed war hero. You should be ashamed."

Shaking his head, Styxx swept his gaze over the soldiers who'd fought well and brought honor to all of them and their various city-states. But even so, there was a darkness inside him that hadn't been there before. Battle had changed him. As bad as Estes had been, and the atrocities his twisted uncle had committed, Styxx had seen a far worse side of humanity that made him wonder why he fought at all. What was there about mankind worth saving?

You don't fight for them. You fight for Beth and her life, alone.


He glanced over as Gaius rode up on his opposite side. "Yes?"

"There's a hostel not far from here. We were wondering if we could make camp near it tonight?"