
For that matter, he would rival the back end of his horse, too. There was no way to stay clean and fight a war.

Another cheer rose up from them.

"Happy Birthday, Prince Styxx!" they shouted in unison, and then cheered again.

His scowl deepened. "Thank you, but it's not my birthday."

"We know," Gaius, a hipparchus who led one of his cavalry units, said as he stepped forward. "But we learned that it was weeks ago and you said nothing about it."

Styxx swept his gaze over the men in his camp. "I'm not the only one here who has had an unremarked birthday come and go while we've been fighting."

His men went down on one knee before him.

Completely nonplussed, he wasn't sure how to react to their sudden genuflecting. In truth, it made him nervous.

Gaius rose and brought a folded, bright red cloak to him and placed it in his hands. "It's not very much, Highness, but it's all we could acquire without breaching your laws of conduct. We went in together to purchase it from the town we passed by yesterday."

Aghast at their thoughtfulness, Styxx held it tenderly. "Thank you. All of you. It's truly the noblest gift I've ever received and I shall treasure it as such."

Gaius saluted him. "We know the sacrifices you have made on our behalf, Highness, as well as the fact that you pay us extra from your own officer's salary and take almost nothing for yourself. Even though you've tried to hide it, we've seen you sell personal items to buy medicines and supplies for us when we needed them, and turn them down for yourself when they are in short supply so that the rest of us wouldn't have to do without. Everything you do for us has been most duly noted and deeply appreciated. There is no prince or king who would have remained by our side throughout these last two years without heading home for a few days of comfort. It is why we respect and follow you."

"That and the glory of the victories we've had," one of the men shouted from the crowd.

Laughter rang out.

Overwhelmed by their kindness, Styxx swallowed. "May the gods continue to bless us with victory."

"Gods bless us," they repeated then they began chanting his name.

One by one, they came up to bow before him.

Humbled to the depth of his being, Styxx patiently stood and spoke with each member of his army.

Galen was the last to approach him. "Are you all right?"

"My shoulder is killing me," he said under his breath while smiling at his departing men. "I could really use a chair."

Laughing, Galen held the tent flap open for him. "Come and sit, Highness."

Styxx obeyed and carefully placed his cloak on his desk. Stifling a groan, he sat down and sighed. Earlier in the day's fighting he'd been kicked back into a broken wooden lance that had stabbed him through the armhole of his armor.

Next time Bethany gave him a token for protection, he'd make sure she included wooden objects.

And clumsiness.

"You told them my birthday had passed?" Styxx asked.

Galen shrugged. "I mentioned it in passing to Gaius three days ago. I had no idea they'd do this."

Styxx felt tears prick his eyes over the unexpected gift that meant so much to him. But he wasn't about to let Galen see him weeping like an old woman. "I hope you didn't tell him my age."

"I'm not a fool, Highness. While they know you are young, there's no need in their learning just how green their esteemed victorious leader really is. It might send them screaming for home."

It might indeed.

Ten-and-eight. Barely. And yet he felt ancient.

Changing the subject, Styxx took a drink of wine. "Have you heard from your Antigone?" They'd received a messenger earlier in the day, and it was rare for one not to have at least one missive or gift for Galen from his daughter.