
"How can being a prince's mistress shame anyone?"

How indeed?

There were times when he truly hated the man who'd sired him.

"I want her left alone. I mean it, Father."

His father held his hands up in surrender. "Fine. I will stay out of your affair, except to say this ... you will have to marry a princess at some point and breed an heir with her."

"I know. But I'm not king yet."

"No. You're not." His father clapped him on the arm. "Very good, then. I shall see you at dinner."

Styxx inclined his head to him then headed for his room. His father would really shit if he ever learned that he had yet to kiss the woman he loved. That all they'd done to date was sit and occasionally hug.

But that was more than enough for a man who'd been given so few that he remembered every one he'd ever received.

August 18, 9532 BC

Bethany smiled as Hector read his philosophy lesson to her while she reclined in the quiet circle of his warm, muscular arms. She had her hands curled around his forearm, which lay against her stomach while his chin rested on top of her head. His body was so hard and ripped, yet at the same time extremely comfortable. She loved spending afternoons with him like this. He'd read his assignments out loud and then they'd discuss the ideas for days. In all her life, she'd never met anyone more intelligent or thoughtful. Anyone more kind and humble.

Even now, his erection pressed against her back, but he didn't say a word about it. He never did. Nor did he press her for anything more than the pleasure of her company.

He was content just to hold her and talk about absolutely nothing for hours on end. She'd never known a man like him. Reaching up, she laid her fingers against his jaw so that she could feel the hard muscles there work while he spoke in that deep husky voice that soothed her better than nectar.

As she swept her hand against his lips, his erection jerked in response. Still, he read to her between gentle, playful nips to her fingers.

After a few minutes, he paused and placed his scroll to the side. He leaned back against the tree behind them and cupped her cheek in his large hand.



He bit his bottom lip as he hesitated. She felt his heartbeat quicken against her shoulder blade. If she didn't know better, she'd think he was afraid of something. But her Hector was always fearless and forthright.

Hector took a deep breath before he spoke again. "Would you mind terribly if I kissed you?"

Her smile widened. "No, my sweet. I've been wanting you to for weeks now."

Still, he hesitated.

"What's wrong?"

He swallowed hard. "I've never kissed a woman before. So please, don't be offended or think badly of me if I screw it up with my ineptitude."

Her poor sweet Hector. He was so bashful at times ... but always so preciously sincere and honest. Wanting to please him, too, she pulled his lips down to hers.

Styxx growled in pleasure as her tongue swept playfully against his. Never in his life had he tasted anything better. With the most dulcet of laughs, she nipped at his lips then gave him a kiss so scorching it left him dizzy and breathless.

Bethany sank her hands into his soft curls as she explored the sweetest mouth she'd ever tasted. For a man who claimed he'd never kissed, he was exceptional at it. She could breathe him in all day.

And when he finally pulled back, he placed his thumb to her bottom lip as if savoring the feel of it.

"That was so much better than I'd imagined. Thank you." He kissed the tip of her nose then her forehead.

Closing her eyes, she snuggled back into his arms and let him hold her again. "Why are you so reserved with me, Hector?"

"What do you mean?"