
That succeeded in sobering him. Was she like the others, after all? "Why are you asking?"

"Because I don't like people who are wealthy. They tend to be arrogant and hold the belief that any problem can be solved by applying more funds toward it."

While that would be true of both his father and uncle, it wasn't his philosophy. "Honestly, my lady. I have no personal wealth at all." As his father was so quick to remind him ... Everything belonged to his father. Even the horse he rode. "I'm quite worthless."

"You are definitely not worthless."

"And to that, I would remind you that you're blind." Styxx cringed again as those words left his lips. Oh gods, how could he have been so stupid and insensitive? "Bethany, I didn't mean-"

"Shh." She pressed her fingers to his lips. "The truth doesn't offend me, Hector. I am blind. I can't deny that. But because of it I see much more clearly than those who have working eyes."

She picked up the bread and tore a small piece from it that she held out to him. "Here, sweet. Perhaps this will remove the taste of foot from your mouth?"

Smiling, he started to take it from her then before he could stop himself, he leaned forward and ate it from her hand.

Bethany shivered at the sensation of his lips against her fingers as he took the bread in his teeth. She heard him pour and mix the wine into the two goblets she'd packed. With the tenderest of touches, he took her hand and placed it against the cup. Sweeping her finger over the edge, she had to bite back a smile. He'd barely filled it halfway.

"You're definitely not trying to get me drunk."

"I don't believe in taking advantage of others."

"Then you are a rare man."

"Just an honest one."

His sweet humility warmed her. "As I said, you are very rare."

"Do you really believe that?" he asked in that richly deep voice of his. She could listen to the manly resonance of it all day long....

"Experience has tutored me well that most will lie or cheat to get the better hand. It's why I prefer solitude to social interaction."

He took a sip then set his cup aside. "And I hate to be alone, yet it seems to be forever forced upon me."

She frowned at the pain she heard in his tone. "Why do you hate being alone?"

"It's lonely."

"You can be surrounded by people and still be alone."

"And that is a lesson I've learned well. Still, it's better to be distracted by the crowd than to be left with memories that serve no purpose other than to torture the conscience and flog the heart."

His wisdom surprised her. He seemed a lot older than his years.

"You aren't old enough to have such regrets."

"Pain doesn't respect age, my lady. Sometimes I think the Algea rather enjoy going after younger victims just for spite." Styxx hesitated as a stricken look went across her brow. "Forgive me, my lady. I didn't mean to be so maudlin. I've tainted your beautiful smile, and that was definitely not my intent. As I said, I spend far too much time alone. It leaves me lacking in all social graces."

She shook her head. "I find your sincere conversation and heartfelt comments refreshing. I have no patience for guile and even less for artful wordsmiths who mask their claws behind double entendres and cleverly practiced lines. So give me your honesty, Hector. That is why I waited for you today when I never wait for anyone."

How did she do it? She made him feel so ...

Human. Worthy. And it was so effortless for her. While others degraded him, she made him feel like he could fly.

"You are not like anyone I've ever met before, Bethany."

She tucked her chin in, in the cutest manner he'd ever seen. "I should hope not. I pride myself on being unique in this world."

He hardened even more and wished he had the courage to steal a kiss from her. "And well you should."