Sins of the Night(93)

Danger popped her head back in the bedroom door. Alexion was still lying naked on her bed. She had to admit that he looked incredible like that. Michelangelo would have a field day painting that divine Greek body. It was absolutely perfect in proportion. She'd never seen anyone with a better set of abs or a nicer rump. And when it came to his pecs and shoulders...

She was already getting turned on again.

Except that he continued to look sad and forlorn. "Hey? Want to join me?"

He looked startled by her question. "Really?"

She laughed at his shock. "It's not like you haven't already seen me naked... a lot."

He smiled, then scooted off the bed to join her. Before she could move out of his way, he scooped her up and carried her to the shower.

She yelped as he turned on the water, which was freezing cold.

"Sorry," he said. The water turned warm so quickly that she knew he'd intervened with the temperature.

His thoughtfulness never ceased to amaze her. Don't, Danger. She couldn't afford to let herself fall for him more than she already had.

Then again, why not? If he was to be believed, and she certainly did believe him, she wouldn't recall him at all by week's end.

And that made her want to cry. How could she forget someone who meant so much to her? That thought alone was terrifying.

Just my luck. After all these centuries I finally find the one person I actually want to be around only to find out that it really is impossible.

La vie n'est pas juste. How many times had her mother told her that? And unfortunately, her mother was right. Life wasn't fair. It was cruel and sad, but at times it was fun and miraculous.

And tonight it would be miraculous. She refused to let herself or anyone else ruin it. She might not remember him, but he would remember her and she didn't want his memories to be of a sullen-faced crybaby. He deserved one perfect night.

Everyone did.

Alexion picked up the cloth and soaped it before he turned to Danger. Her eyes were closed, her arms raised, as she parted her hair to let the water saturate it. To his amazement, he felt himself starting to harden again as he watched her. What was it about this woman that left him so hard and needful all the time?

She opened her eyes and pinned him with a tender gaze that left him breathless and aching. He kissed her before he started bathing her.

Danger sighed at the sensation of Alexion's hands on her body, soaping her skin.

"There has to be some way around this." She hadn't realized she'd spoken out loud until he straightened.

"There isn't, Danger. When I leave, it's over."

She wanted to curse in frustration. "I can't believe that we can't make it work. Surely there's some way we can fix this."

"I'm not real. I'm not even human anymore."

He kept saying that, but everything about him refuted those words. How could someone let go of the best thing they'd ever found simply because... Well, there was a lot of "becauses" in this relationship. Still, love could conquer all, right?

But she knew better. Love couldn't conquer death. Ever.

Sighing, she didn't say anything else as they bathed and dressed.

After they were ready, Alexion opened the door to the hallway to find Xirena there.

Standing in the hallway, she had her head cocked as she gave him a look reminiscent of a hawk sighting prey, "I have been thinking much this last day. I know you care for my sister and I want to stay with her. But I don't want to bond myself to the cursed god for it. His mother is unkind and vicious, and no matter what you say, I don't trust her son to be any better. But if I don't bond, the bitchtress can reclaim me and make me go back to Kalosis and serve her. My brother has left there and gone I know not where, and my sister was sent away countless centuries ago."

Her eyes were troubled and sad, and they showed the full depth of her heart. "I only want to be with my family, Alexion. Will you let me bond to you so that Xirena can't be forced back to Kalosis?"

Alexion exchanged a shocked look with Danger as Xirena's words rang in his head. That was one hell of a request she was making.

To bond with a demon was irreversible. At least as far as he knew. Xirena would become a part of him in much the same way that Simi was part of Acheron. She would live on his body and be his to command.