Sins of the Night(79)

Keller was totally bemused. "What's wrong with him?"

"He's hearing a voice in his head."

"Is this like the one that I never listen to because it's usually telling me that getting naked with women I don't know is a bad thing?"

Danger snorted at him in disgust. "TMI, Keller. I don't want to know that much about your depraved private life."

He took her words in stride. "In that case, I have a hot babe waiting for me."

"Do yourself a favor, Keller," she called after him as he left, "and don't get too close to her."

He paused in the doorway. "Why?"

"She's not human."

"Yeah, well, neither are you and I'm around you all the time."

"No, Keller," she said, stressing the words, "she's seriously not human. Never was, never will be."

He frowned at that.

"Just keep her fed and happy," Alexion said from between clenched teeth, "and make sure you both keep your clothes on and that she doesn't leave the house."

Keller nodded, then left.

Danger turned back to Alexion who was squirming from pain. "Can I get you anything?"

"I need to be still and quiet."

She didn't think pointing out that he was being far from still would be good at this moment.

"Okay." Danger left the room to get a cold compress for him. When she returned, Alexion was still lying prone on the bed. It had been a long time since she'd ached like this for someone else. She hated the pain he was in and she wanted to kill Stryker and Kyros for it.

She touched his strong shoulder, feeling the muscles there, before she brushed the hair back from his face and placed the cloth to his forehead.

Alexion opened his eyes as soon as he felt the cold cloth on his brow. He'd never seen a more beautiful sight. She was exquisite.

Her dark eyes showed him more care and concern than he'd ever seen before and yet after tonight...

He dared not trust anyone. How many times in his life did he have to be betrayed before he learned his lesson? No wonder Acheron kept him away from people.

After all this time, he was still naive.

He had to be one of the worst judges of character ever born. When would he learn?

And yet a part of him that he dared not listen to wanted to trust Danger. She'd attacked on his behalf. She'd gotten him to safety. But then so had Kyros. Countless times when they'd been human. He'd even called tonight to warn him and still he had betrayed him.

No, Danger helped him now because they'd slept together. It didn't mean that she had feelings for him. Or that tomorrow wouldn't find her siding with his enemies. How many times in the past had he thought a Dark-Hunter was safe, and then at the last minute, he or she had chosen to fight against Acheron and die?

No one could be trusted.

And still the woman's voice in his head screamed for mercy and release.

"Shut to hell up!" he snarled both mentally and audibly.

Now she started crying a piercing wail that cut through his head like a machete. The agony of it was unlike anything he'd ever experienced.

How the hell did Daimons stand this?