Sins of the Night(73)

He didn't answer as he started back toward her garage door. "We need to find Kyros."

"Answer me, Alexion."

He paused in her hallway. "Yes," he said, without looking back.

A shiver went through her at his power. "You are spooky."

He turned to face her. One corner of his mouth was lifted into an almost taunting smile. "You have no idea."

Maybe, but she had a bad feeling that before all this was over, Kyros would get a taste of those powers firsthand. She only hoped she didn't end up on the receiving end of them too.

Danger paused as she left her car. They were at Kyros's house and they weren't alone. There was a red Ferrari parked on the street, along with a motorcycle. She knew that flashy Italian car well.

"What's Rafael doing here?" she asked.

Alexion shut his door. "Kyros is most likely trying to sway him to his cause, just as he attempted to do with you."

Surely her friend wasn't that foolish. She liked Rafael a great deal and the last thing she wanted was to see him hurt by this. "It'll never work, will it?"

Almost as if in answer to her question, the front door opened.

A tall, good-looking African-American male came out of the house. His hair was shaved, leaving his head bald so as to show off the intricate scrollwork that was tattooed up the back of his neck to the crown of his head. Rafael Santiago wore his signature long black leather coat, black pleated pants, and a skin-tight black knit shirt that showed off every tiny detail of his ripped eight-pack.

Gorgeous and deadly, the man was the epitome of the word "tough." As a human, he'd been known to cut the throat of anyone dumb enough to look at him too long. He let no one get away with anything. His only motto in life was, Do unto others before they do it to you.

But for all his bluster and razor-quick quips, she knew him for a sweetheart. Those he considered his friends, he would kill to protect, and he was loyal to a fault.

He wore a pair of dark sunglasses that completely obscured most of his face, but Danger knew the former pirate captain well. He'd been living happily over in Columbus for the last sixty-six years.

"Rafael," she said in greeting as he drew near them.

He inclined his head to her as he stopped by her side. He turned to look at Alexion. Even with the sunglasses on, she could feel the intense curiosity of his stare. "Who's your friend?"

"His name is Al," she said, not wanting to say "Alexion" in the event Kyros had already dropped that bombshell. She would have used Ias, but there was only one Ias, and the last thing she wanted was for Rafael to question him about that. "He's an ancient Greek."

Rafael offered his hand to Alexion. "New Hunters are always welcome."

"Thanks," Alexion said as he shook his proffered hand.

"What are you doing here?" Danger asked.

Rafael took his sunglasses off and rolled his eyes. "There were five of us here originally, but the others left a little while ago. Kyros kept me and Ephani longer because, unlike the other jack-offs, we don't believe his bullshit."

"What bullshit?" Alexion asked.

Rafael let out a tired sigh as he rubbed his hand over his muscled jaw. "He has some demented notion that Acheron is a Daimon. I'm sure that's why he called you two. He wants to try and convince you too. The man's an idiot. I'm going to patrol before I hit the asshole and do myself some damage."

Danger laughed. "Are the others buying it?"

"Like it's a cheap whore on the dock after a long trip at sea."

"What makes you so sure he's not right?" Alexion asked.

"You ever met Acheron?"

Danger hid her amusement as she admired the way Alexion kept his composure. Not to mention, she was proud of Rafael for not being stupid.

Alexion's face was completely emotionless. "I've met the man a time or two."