Sins of the Night(61)

Danger's eyes actually teared up at the sight of Alexion's climax. It was as if he were being torn asunder by it. And when his gaze met hers, she melted.

He cupped her face in his hands, then gently pulled her forward for one of the sweetest, tenderest kisses she had ever experienced. He didn't speak, but then he didn't have to. The gratitude and admiration on his face said it all.

Danger smiled at him as she slid slowly down his body. She lay in the bed with the scent of Alexion strong in her head. She loved the intimacy of having his naked body wrapped around hers. Her head was resting on his biceps while his breath tickled her neck.

"Thank you, Danger," he whispered softly.

She rolled over slightly so that she could see him in the early morning light. She hadn't spent a full night with a man since she'd been human. It was so odd to be with one now.

And there was a an easy peacefulness to Alexion that hadn't been there before.

"You're welcome," she said, taking his hand in hers and lifting it so that she could lightly nip his fingers. "I have to say you were incredible."

"Yeah, well, they don't let me out much."

She laughed at that as she traced his hard nipple. "I think I'm glad about that."

He kissed her gently, then urged her back down on the mattress. "You should get a good day's sleep."

She wrinkled her nose at that. "It's kind of hard. I haven't slept away from my home in centuries. I'm not sure about that daylight that's starting to spill through the curtains either. It's making me a little nervous."

He wrapped his arms around her and snuggled close. "I won't let it hurt you."

Warmth spread through her. "It's a nice thought, but even with your powers, I somehow think Apollo might win."

The room went pitch-black. There was no sign of a single ray of sunshine now. "Sleep in peace, Danger. I won't let anything hurt you. I promise."

And that was the kindest thing anyone had ever done for her. Her eyes tearing from the strange tenderness that flooded her, she moved her head to kiss his arm, then snuggled down to rest.

She fell asleep with the sensation of his hand gently stroking her hair while he whispered softly to her in a language she didn't understand.

Alexion felt her relax. A slow smile curved his lips as he remembered the way she'd made love to him.

She'd been superb. His lips were still raw from her fanged kisses and he wouldn't have it any other way. But with that feeling of total satiation came the knowledge that what they had at this moment was so fleeting-it was nothing more than a mere blink.

He would remember her forever and she would forget him completely once he left here.

That was Acheron's mandate. No Dark-Hunter could ever remember they had seen him. Those who were saved always had their memories purged.

Her life would go on without him. That had never bothered him before, but today...

Today he wanted more.

Wanting more is the root of all evil. The concept has ruined more lives than it has ever made.

If it wasn't for the fact that he knew it was an echo of Acheron's words, he would almost swear his boss was in his head again.

"Where are you, Ash?" he whispered. "I could really use your guidance right now."

But it was futile. There was nothing Acheron could tell him that he wanted to hear and he knew it. He was without an out clause. He was without a body or a soul. Literally, he had nothing to offer her. Ever.

He had nothing to offer any woman.

Everything has a price. Nothing is ever free. His price for not being damned was eternity spent alone.

At least I have this moment.

For that he was grateful and he would not regret it. He wouldn't.