Sins of the Night(114)

He covered his eyes with his hands as he sobbed, realizing it was hopeless. "There's nothing left to bury. Nothing left to gather even."

Oh, gods, how could she be gone like this? How? It wasn't right. It wasn't fair.

"We have to go, Alexion."

He nodded even though what he wanted to do was attack Acheron himself. He knew it wasn't Acheron's fault, but it didn't matter. He wanted to strike out and hurt someone. Anything to ease the burning, aching hole inside him.

There was nothing left to stay for.

Danger was gone...

His heart shattered, he felt his human body melting as it shifted from the human realm to Katoteros. He found himself back in the throne room where Simi was waiting.

"Alexion!" she shrieked happily, running at him before she launched herself into his arms. "You're back!"

She pulled away and frowned when he didn't return her enthusiasm. Cocking her head, she scowled at him. "But you're so sad. Why are you sad, Lexie? Was them Daimons mean to you? The Simi will eat them if they hurt you."

Acheron gently pulled her away. "He needs to be alone for a little while, Sim."


"It's okay." Acheron took her hand and gave him the space he needed.

Alexion didn't speak as he walked the back hallway toward his chambers. He was so cold inside that he didn't think he could ever be warm again.

For the first time ever, he hated this place. He hated everything about it. Most of all, he hated Acheron.

At least he did until he opened the doors to his room. He stopped short, his breath catching, as he saw the impossible.

It couldn't be, yet it was...

There in the center of his room, dressed in a red chiton, was Danger.

He couldn't speak as he caught sight of her there.

She was looking around as if disoriented. "Where am I?"

No words would come out of his mouth as he rushed to her and scooped her up in his arms. She felt real.

She felt alive...

Could it be? Did he dare believe that this was real?

Holding her close, he buried his head against her neck, inhaled her scent and wept.

"Alexion, you're starting to freak me out."

He pulled back with a laugh. "How did you get here?"

"I have no idea. One minute I was in a lot of pain, then everything was dark, and then I was here." She leaned toward him. "Where is here?"

"My chambers. You're in Katoteros."

She frowned up at him. "I don't understand."

Neither did he.

"You didn't really think I was going to let this end badly, did you?"