Seize the Night(47)

Valerius didn't miss the strange look that passed between Vane and Bride before Luther handed Bride the plate of shucked oysters and went to get Tabitha the beers.

"Is there something I should know?" Valerius asked them.

The instant Vane opened his mouth to speak, Tabitha kicked his shin. Hard.

Vane yelped, then frowned at her.

"What was that?" Valerius asked. "Why did you kick him?"

"No reason," Tabitha said, reaching over the bar to pluck an oyster from the pile.

She looked angelic, which meant something truly evil was going on.

Valerius looked back at Vane. "What were you going to say?"

"Absolutely nothing," Vane said before he took a drink from his longneck.

Valerius had a bad feeling about this.

Luther returned with two bottles of beer and handed them to Tabitha, who in turn held one out for Valerius.

He stared at it blankly.

"Aren't you thirsty?" Tabitha asked.

"Don't we get glasses?"

"It's beer, Val, not champagne. Take it. Really, it doesn't bite."

"Tabby, be nice," Bride chided. "Valerius probably isn't used to beer."

"I do drink it," Valerius said, taking the bottle reluctantly, "just not like this."

"You want oysters?" Tabitha asked him.

"I'm not sure after your rather blunt reminder of what they are."

Tabitha laughed at him. "Set us up, Luther, and keep them coming until I pop."

Luther grinned at her. "I don't think you have a limit, Tabby. It's a wonder we have any left to serve after you leave."

Tabitha sat on the stool beside Bride and indicated for Valerius to assume the one on the opposite side of her. Valerius set his beer on the counter before he complied.

"You look so uncomfortable here, Valerius," Bride said sweetly. "How on earth did Tabitha talk you into this?"

"I'm still not quite sure."

"You two been dating long?" Vane asked.

"We're not dating, Vane," Tabitha answered quickly. "I told you, Val is only doing me a favor."

"Whatever you say, Tab. I just hope your sis-"

His words were cut short by Bride clearing her throat. "Tabitha knows what she's doing, Vane. Don't you, Tabby?"

"Usually not, but this is okay. Really."

Valerius would sell his soul again for a chance to read Vane's mind. "Vane, may I have a word with you privately?"