Seize the Night(142)

She'd opted at the church not to divide up the guests in the pews lest it become painfully obvious that there wasn't anyone on the groom's side.

Even four of the seven groomsmen had to be borrowed from her side. Only Ash, Gilbert, and Otto had been there for Valerius.

She was still angered that no other Dark-Hunter had come or sent good wishes.

Kyrian, Julian, Talon, and Tad had graciously volunteered to finish out the number of groomsmen so that her sisters wouldn't be without escorts. For that, she would love them always.

Her Aunt Sophie grabbed her and pulled her away from Valerius.

Tabitha promised her return before the women surrounded her.

Valerius smiled at the sight, then turned to go get them both a glass of champagne. Laughter echoed in the backyard, amidst the strains of the orchestra they'd hired. Tabitha had wanted a Goth band to play, but her mother had put her foot down and insisted Tabitha not make the ears of their guests bleed.

He looked around the crowd where people were laughing together and talking. Ash, Otto, and even Gilbert were standing off to the side with the other groomsmen. He longed to go over and join them, but knew from experience that though Kyrian and Julian tolerated his presence, they didn't like it.

How odd that he felt alienated even at his own wedding.

Taking a drink of champagne, he scanned the crowd until he found his wife with her sisters.

He smiled at the sight Tabitha was absolutely lovely with her auburn hair down around her shoulders. Someone had placed little sprigs of flowers all through her hair and sprayed glitter in it. She looked like some ethereal fey out to seduce him.

The wedding director came up to inform him that dinner was ready to be served.

Inclining his head to her, Valerius went to tell Tabitha that they needed everyone to be seated.

He claimed his bride and led her to the bridal table.

Tabitha laughed under her breath as she sat in the chair and they actually got her scooted up without incident. She was finally learning how to do this properly. The first time Valerius had held a chair out for her had been a complete fiasco.

He took a seat on her right as Gilbert sat to her left.

The waiters started bringing out plates and filling the wineglasses.

Valerius took her hand into his, then kissed her knuckles. The sensation of his lips on her hand set fire to her. She'd never known a human being could be so happy and yet terrified at the same time.

Once everyone was served, Gilbert stood up to toast them.

The band stopped playing.

Gilbert opened his mouth, but before he could speak, a deep, accented voice interrupted him.

"I know that it's typical for the best man to toast the couple, but I think Gilbert might forgive me for usurping his place for a minute."

Tabitha had to force herself not to gape as Zarek approached their table from out in the crowd.

Valerius's grip tightened on her hand.

Zarek paused directly in front of them and stared meaningfully at his brother. "Weddings have always been a fascinating thing to me," he said, his voice ringing out. "A time when two people look into each other's eyes and promise each other that they will never allow anyone or anything to divide them.

"Out of two families, they come together to form a separate branch that links back to their roots. It's a time when two families are joined together because of the hearts of two people. A time when ill will and bad feelings should be put to rest along with the past."

Zarek's gaze went down the table, stopping at each of the current and former Dark-Hunters. "Weddings signify a new beginning. After all, no human alive has ever been able to choose his family... God knows, I would never have chosen mine." He quirked a smile at Valerius. "But as the Roman playwright Terence once wrote, 'From many a bad beginning great friendships have formed.'"

Zarek lifted a glass to them. "Here's to my brother, Valerius, and his wife Tabitha. May you both come to enjoy the happiness I have known with my own wife. And may you give one another all the love you both deserve."

Tabitha wasn't sure which of them was the most stunned by Zarek's words. Her family, unaware of what an unexpected moment this was, cheered Zarek's toast.

Shocked beyond comprehension, neither of them took a drink.